Watch out World, We’re Going Campin’

Everyday Adventures

I just realized that the most recent brainchild of palmie and scraps had not yet been discussed here! (what an omission!)

It all started more than a week ago. I was thinking about my Script Frenzy! script and how I had not clue one yet when I had a flash of all of us down in that mine tunnel in Dahlonega. I have no desire whatsoever to write some mining-period piece, but then the mind made this lateral slide to the time my family visited the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. For some reason I decided that a cave of some sort would be a good setting for the Script that has no plot even now.

Some research was in order and, with the Marianna Caverns only an hour away, hands on research seemed much better than merely reading about them. The following is a paraphrase of the email conversation had shortly thereafter:

me: I think I’ve decided the script is going to be set in a cave sort of place. Looks like I’ll be taking a field trip to Marianna this month.
palmie: If you go, take me!!!
me: what weekend are you free?
palmie: I’m booked on the 12th but the others are open.
me: let’s say the 19th then?
palmie: cool!
me: you know, if I was brave I’d say let’s take the tent out there and camp overnight.
palmie: <_ < >_> <_< It will have been a month since our last adventure... me: I can get a spot for under $20... should I? palmie: yes! wohoo! I'm going to a real-live cavern! me: done! Heaven help us, we're going camping! Now, it's not like I haven't been camping before. Just not without scads of SCAdians on the same trip. Or in a cabin at Summer Camp. This will be the first actual 'roughing it' camping trip I've been on. (Well, okay, there are water and electric hookups at the campsite and restrooms 150ft away, but still!) After we made the reservation palmie discovered that the astronomical association will be out there with their telescopes that night, so she had to squee some more like the space nerd she is. But at least it should prove interesting and give us something to do that night =) I still have no clue about the script other than the location. I'm trusting that the expedition next weekend will spark some sort of inspiration.

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