So, today’s headache? RSS feeds.
I absolutely adore Google Reader, it saves me so much time every day and I know many people feel the same way about their chose feed readers. I also adore Google Analytics for tracking Random Acts… stats. The one thing it doesn’t track? RSS subscriptions. I could have more readers than I thought, so I decided to look into ways to track RSS subscriptions.
Enter FeedBurner. Now, I actually have misgivings about using this service but many people do, even some webcomics I know of, and it really would be nice to have those numbers, so I install it and set up the feed. Oh, look, it allows you to alias your domain for the reader url instead of there’s, that’s nice, I even managed to create a DNS entry all on my own. Of course, it didn’t quite work. So I backtracked, deactivated that option and set the various urls to point to each other. Baby steps.
Well, that took care of the out and out error message I was getting, but now the RSS subscriber in the url field looks for (which doesn’t exist). I’ve been able to use validators to see that and the feedburner url are both valid but I don’t see anywhere to tell WordPress where to look. Sigh… I think it might have something to do with the Comic Press plug-in but I can’t be sure, nonetheless I’ve thrown myself on the mercy and wisdom of the plugin’s forum to see if there’s a known solution or trick I’m just not aware of.
Worst case scenario is I deactivate the lot and just let those go untracked until I find a better solution. But I hate taking steps backward!