Okay, so I wouldn’t win any JD Power & Assoc awards, but what started out as a very ‘meh’-Monday ended with a strangely productive Monday night.
I was a very good girl and, despite the inadequacies these things inspire, popped in one of my Bellydance Fitness Fusion DVDs (yes, you can laugh, it’s okay) and ran through the first 30 minutes+ until I thought I was going to die. I decided that it wasn’t crucial to do the entire workout, bonuses, etc. as I’d tried in the past as long as I got a half hour in, got the heart-rate up, and got the muscles moving. Seems rather ‘duh’, doesn’t it? Well, I hadn’t given myself permission to turn it off when it got annoying in the past, and had struggled through the silliness, making myself feel very bad when I couldn’t get a particular combination down or some such. Uh, hello? So not the point. I know this now. I did the 30 minutes, got to a stopping point, and ended feeling very good about myself (even if my legs were about to wobble off their pins).
Next on the list: make dinner. Now, for those that know me, this is not a hard task exactly. And thanks to Menu Mailer I don’t even have to ponder the interminable question: What’s for dinner? I already know, it’s on the sheet in front of me and all the ingredients are bought because I used the supplied shopping list. But, even with all this done for me (for a modest fee every 6 months) there are nights when I really don’t feel like putting forth the effort. One thing not having convenience foods in the house does for you? Nothing to fall back on, no excuse for not cooking. There’s always take-out, but it takes a lot for me to get to that level. So, anyway, dinner made with a minimum of fuss and very much yum (Sweet and Sour Haddock is what the recipe called it, I prefer to call it Salted Haddock–I went a little heavy on the Kosher–with red wine and onion sauce. By either name it was quite tasty, I had forgotten how much I prefer Haddock to other white fish.) as well as the added bonus of 3 more servings into their containers and ready for 2 lunches and another dinner. Kitchen tidied as well.
On to iWeb. Being the list-maker that I am combined with the sheer magnitude of my interests, I try to block off certain nights for certain things. Either hobby or focus specific, each night has one or two reminders. The schedule might change periodically, but when I’m feeling overwhelmed it can help to have the fallback of ‘it’s Tuesday, I should work on knitting’ to concentrate my efforts best. Mondays are workout and web, and since I’m working on a revamp of a website (not my own, sadly, in due time I hope) I threw a couple of hours at that group of pages. I wish I could say it was done but, no, there’s still a couple more Monday nights to go on it, but nonetheless it sees progress. Enough, at least, to where I felt completely justified in shutting down the computer to watch Heroes while doing a little extra knitting.
Of course, being so goal-oriented after a week or so of coasting and or panicked focus on one project only made me feel very sleepy by the end of Heroes so I took myself to bed early with a book. All in all it was a good night, especially for a Monday.