That’s how much I need another project, right?
Here’s the deal: When I got the Mac mini, being of limited creativity [grin] I decided to name her Minnie. Yes, I know. I’d joked about putting ears and a bow on the 6.5×6.5×2 cpu but never did. To go with I purchased a wireless desktop (keyboard and mouse) from Kensington that worked quite well, until the mouse decided not to sync. Ever again. Tech support said that model was on backorder so I elected to wait a bit rather than spending the $$ on a new one and sending in for reimbursement. In the mean time I hooked up my graphics tablet and used it’s wireless mouse. And I waited.
That was back in May. It’s now August and back last month I realized that my temporary work-around was becoming strangely permanent so I contacted Kensington again. Still on backorder, but since it had been so long they offered me a compatible replacement at no charge and I didn’t even have to send the non-working one back. It came in this week.
Y’all, we are talking the butt-fugliest keyboard and mouse combo you’ve ever seen. It’s this old beigy-gold, kinda like the Apple IIc and Commodore cases of yore. Only with a slight metallic tint mixed in. On top of that, it actually has a space on the top where you can ‘dock’ the wireless mouse when not in use (like that would fit on the tray under the desk) THEN flip up the ridiculously thin keyboard (using the docked mouse as a kickstand) and ‘personalize your space’ by slipping a 4×6 photo in the sleeve on the underside. Right. Like I want this thing having any sort of profile on my desk? And don’t even get me started about the mouse.
So I joked to palmie that maybe a mod would be in order just so I can bear to look at it.
And then I spent time this afternoon surfingsites on how to take apart keyboards for cleaning/painting. I’ve already confirmed that yes, the keys do come off with a little prying (but it’s more like the keys on Sonja than a regular keyboard, the low-profile type) but I’m not quite sure how to easy get the case open. There are no screws so some gentle prying will be necessary but I think I should be able to make it work. I’ll save the details for another time, when I actually get it done, but I may be able to do the disassembly and base coats this weekend 🙂