Just for this moment, all is right with my world

Everyday Adventures

I’m sure it will change, after all, this is real life, but for right now: life is good.

Last night palmetto came over to hang out for a bit and I made dinner for us (we even ate at the table like civilized folks!) and then watched the Devil Wears Prada. I knew she’d like it (even against her will as she said afterwards). I also got my Christmas present from her: books! and bath bombs! lol She knows me well.

After she left I caught up with Mr.SoCal on IM and that took me through til bedtime. I slept well, woke up after a pleasantly bizarre dream, and have started my day pretty well. I have great friends, a certain someone who seems to adore me, a good job and it’s almost Christmas. Life is sweet.

Just before sleep last night I started to read another book I picked up yesterday at Borders: 50 Writing Tools (or some such), and it’s actually really good! I’ll have to link to it later when I have more time, but the first ‘tool’ is placing the subject and verb at or near the beginning of the sentence. In this way, even a long-ass sentence of 40 words can be totally coherent and interesting, because the who and the what are established from the get-go. Just from looking over this post, I tend not to do that so much here. I wonder how well I manage that in my NaNovels? The best thing (well, not THE best, but a best? anyway…) is that each Tool comes with excercises to do with it. I love me some tasks, yes I do! It’s like voluntary homework.

(Yes, I’m demented, we don’t have to go over that again.)

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