
Everyday Adventures

I know, I did it to myself… but this is how order is kept in the world, no? Things go incredibly well, things go to hell, then we settle somewhere in the middle.

I could go into what happened at work, but it wouldn’t matter. I’ll just say, of one co-worker: that boy’s pasta just ain’t done! (nothing sticks…)

I could bemoan the techinical difficulties, but why? I fixed them, so there’s not a problem now, but at the time it was just one more thing crowding my poor, beleaguered brain.

I really didn’t want to do any of the things I needed to last night, but did them anyway. Once the wheels were turning I did manage to settle down and enjoy part of the evening (especially the 1.5 hour call to Mr SoCal… ‘he makes me laugh’… I feel like Jessica Rabbit…)

Perhaps what is really getting to me is the length some of these projects are taking. I want instant gratification. I want to be able to start something, finish it, and move on to the next. I want to give freedom to all these ideas trapped in my head. But there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to do all of what I want. Time management is going to play heavily in 2007 I predict!

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