Sigh… caught in a meme. But it was a slow news day anyway, so why not?
First: List 7 random facts/habits about yourself.
1. I really like the color pink but I like a good, deep red even better.
2. I honestly like to help people, but only if it was my idea to begin with.
3. I believe in ESP.
4. I use chopsticks to dip my cookies into my milk.
5. I talk to myself constantly, sometimes pretending I’m talking to friends to make it seem slightly less weird.
6. I feel a certain sense of victory when I go shopping and find 5 items for what one would cost me elsewhere.
7. I have more ideas than I’ll ever be able to execute in one lifetime and that makes me a little sad sometimes.
Second: Choose another SEVEN bloggers to tag and list their names in your blog. [I really don’t like to sick these things on others, so this is totally voluntary]
1. palmetto
2. berylq
3. rjlebeau
4. tlh_in_tlh
5. blindleadsblind
6. lady-isabella
7. faerytink
Third: Leave your seven tagged bloggers comments to notfiy them of their tagging and to direct them to your blog for tag instructions. [I doubt I’m going to do this, honestly, just play along if you like, nothing bad will happen if you don’t]
Hey Jenn… sorry about the tag. I usually don’t send these on, but this one sounded fun and painless. Hope it wasn’t too annoying!