Last night was absolutely crazy. I was so groggy after work (I blame the paint fumes, even with the long weekend my office stayed closed up so they had no place to go!) I ended up taking a nap after supper and then was up til after 2am wrapping up articles, the webcomic and some things for the Secret Project. Tonight I finished another article, tweaked the Secret Project and, gosh, I know I did something else but for the life of me cannot remember. See, that’s how balls-to-the-wall busy I’ve been these last two nights. Sigh…
So I’m seriously setting an intention for December to be much more organized. I did pretty good in October with balancing the exercise, the comic, and regular writing sessions. Then November went straight to hell but–always the silver lining–at least its almost over. I’ve barely started anything Chirstmassy yet, hopefully the holiday spirit will kick in this weekend, now if I could only find my John Denver/Muppets Christmas album. I found the case but you know CDs, they treat cases more like vacation homes than primary residences so I think it might be on the spindle o various media (cd condo) that seems to have been put somewhere mysterious. At least that’s my bet.