Variations on a Theme: Little Things

Third Time Wife, Wedding Planning

Coming up with our first-dance song (something I didn’t have at either of my first 2 weddings and, therefore, something that was important to me to include this time) was actually pretty simple once I gave it some thought.

Yes, I.

It was a song Mr. Trips had shared with me when we were first emailing back and forth, a song I’d never heard before but the lyrics were very sweet and I tracked it down on iTunes shortly thereafter. It’s an old song (from the 50s) and one evening I mentioned it to T as a possibility for “our song” and he liked the idea well enough. One thing down! Woot!

Song titles or lyrics are quite the treasure trove of theme possibilities and this song spoke about Little Things, those tiny gestures and courtesies we grant each other that mean more than possessions and trappings. Nice, huh?

Well, mulling around the concept I could see centerpieces built of miniatures, a vintage feel and maybe dollhouse-sized items scattered about.

Images via: So You’re Engayged (photo courtesy of Michael Bonfigli), HV Green , Dollhouse Collectibles, Amy Bayliss

Taking a page from the era of the song the maids could be decked out in full-out crinolined dresses with little birdcage veils and–swoon!–wrist-length gloves. Oh, sure, I could see it. I even popped Mona Lisa Smile into the DVD player that night for inspiration.

50s Wedding Board
50s Wedding Board created on Polyvore (full links available at the source)

It isn’t a bad idea, but here’s the thing:

  • We’re not really into the vintage thing in general
  • Or dollhouses/miniatures (though I used to pine for one as a child)
  • We’re also not little people (he’s 6’ and a bit and we’re both on the fluffy side of things–the visual inconsistency would have driven me nuts)
  • It could easily get a bit costume-y with the dresses and so forth, and costume-y bits were mutually outlawed the first night we started discussing the wedding

So, Little Things–as a theme–was out. Next!

Anyone out there use miniatures or dollhouses as a theme? 

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