The Bitch is Back!

Everyday Adventures

well, okay, so I’m not always a bitch, but trust me, it’s always lurking just under the surface 😉

So where did I go? Nowhere, really, I just apparently needed a break from updating the blog while I took care of some of the more pressing issues and took a non-participatory stance as far as the internet was concerned. I’ve still been around, still been deleting the hundreds of comment spam that I seem to get per month, still thinking of things I want to share with those of you who may actually read this. I’ve just been laying low for a bit.

But now I’m back.

Will I ever get around to sharing the New Jersey/New York/Pennsylvannia experience? Probably. Will I tell you about the icky medical stuff that went on in January? Possibly. Will I ever finish the to-do list that precipitated the break but still isn’t quite finished? God I hope so!

Yes, I’m still finishing up the handmade Christmas presents for some of my friends. They know this and are quite unconcerned about it,  but I still want them done. I did get the shawl swap completed in the nick of time and ups’d it off this week to Ohio. I’ve also been working out once a week this month, though I am reminded each week that I am horrendously out of practice and that no, really, I don’t have the energy to do more than a single workout each week. Looks like I won’t be heading back to dance class any time too soon. (minor pout)

Also on the to-do list is a number of web-site improvements. They’ll also get done eventually. I’m trying not to stress out about anything. Ideas seem to be coming at me willy-nilly for all of my creative pursuits and, eventually, they will be dealt with. Until then, however, I do my best to jot them down in my red notebook so that I won’t forget any of them before they get their moment in the sun.

In case you were wondering, things are still progressing between me and Mr SoCal. In fact, today marks T-13 days til I fly out to San Diego for a visit. The nerves haven’t quite started, but I expect them to soon. There’s no real expectations for this trip (other than the Zoo, I must go to the Zooooooo), it’s just a chance for us to meet and spend time together and see what’s what. That’s all. Honest. Really. Anything else is just gravy 🙂

So, okay, I think that does it for today. I should be back tomorrow with something interesting to say.

One thought on “The Bitch is Back!

  1. We’ll miss you at dance practice. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the event. Come shoot!

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