So, in one week exactly Lion’s Tourney Feast will be eaten and over with. But before then I have SOooo much work left to do.
Being sick really did put me a smidge behind and, it should be no surprise, today when I should have been catching up? yeah, right. I had to deal with taking Abigail to the vet and that pretty much took up my morning and all my energy. So for the afternoon I napped and (I so should have known better) threw off my whole schedule. But now, take-out pork egg fu yung consumed and Wedding Crashers in the DVD player, I might actually get something done now that the day is almost finished. This is how I work best I suppose.
Finally, though, this afternoon I had a revelation as to how to do the 3rd course solteltie for the head table. Wohoo! (no, I’m not going to spell it out, that’s no fun–you’ll just have to reserve feast to see lol) But first, tonight, a vat of saffron-almond mayonnaise and a host of little lion site tokens! (and more movies, of course)