Thursday Project Update

Everyday Adventures

I intended to have the next 64 Arts post for you lovely folks today but in one of those happy happenstances that you just can’t say no to (without major regret, and I make it a point to never have regrets I can avoid) a project dropped into my lap this week and I’m busy grinding away at it right now to make a very tight deadline. This might affect next week’s posts, too, but we’ll see how much of everything I can get done this weekend.

But just so this isn’t a “nothing” update, I have been a busy little bee, lately. If you follow me on Facebook you might have seen this picture on Saturday:

At ALT*Con, Tallahassee, FL, 4-13-2013

At ALT*Con, Tallahassee, FL, 4-13-2013

That would be yours truly in a chef coat I altered to make into a Star Trek officers uniform–pretty snazzy, right? (Think Wrath of Khan era, not the recent reboot–though I’m looking forward to seeing Into Darkness, maybe even in the theater, at that!) I still have some trim to add to it (thin gold ribbon along the black, since I opted for a flag officer’s rank), but it did okay for a first time out. The insignia, comm badge, etc. are all made out of Sculpey. I have pictures to do a full project page on but I can’t decide if it would go best here, the cookbook site, or my main comics site. Decisions, decisions.

Oh, well, enough for now, I’ve got to get back to work! (Full details once everything is all said and done–it’s not nice to announce projects before your client does, you know?)