I don’t generally come up with projects that can easily be accomplished in one night.
Case in point? Something I dreamed up for the book launch, this Saturday, that required an hour and a half in Lowes as part of date night (not that Todd minded, of course), and a few hours on Sunday with power tools (Todd, again, he didn’t mind) and still has 2 more nights of work ahead before it’s finished.
Even when it’s not a wood and tools sort of thing, there’s almost always a need for a trip to this store or that for the one last supply, running out of something or just can’t find it.
So imagine my surprise when I found a project on Thursday, had everything I needed already in the Abyss, and was finished before Saturday evening came around!
Still not a one-night project, but it’s as close to instant gratification as I can get!
Wanna see what I made?

These ARE the toys you're looking for!
The patterns came courtesy of Show Tell Share (Darth Vader, Storm Trooper). Vader was meant to have white embroidery but I came across some black bugle beads while searching for my chalk pencils, so decided he could use some shine to his details. He was also supposed to be felt, but I had some nylon-ish stuff leftover from a Halloween costume many moons ago, so he’s not exactly squishable. But he is filled with lentils and lavender because, really, who needs to chill out more than ol’ Dark Helmet here.
The pair of storm troppers (can’t have just one, it’s a clone thing) are rather squishable, though, being filled with your basic poly-fil stuffing. Their appliques are made from the same nylon-ish stuff as Vader, though, so I hit the edges with Fray Check before sewing them in place with a simple running stitch. Talk about quick!

I can't shoot but I sure am cute!
A funny thing happened while I was stitching up the storm-faces–working on the visor bits the rest was just sort of hanging over my hand. Todd started looking at me funny and it turns out that when turned upside down, our otherwise stalwart troppers look like happy little dudes in strapless bras!
These little dudes will not be staying with me, though. Like many of my craft projects, they have a higher purpose (or something like that). See, a friend’s birthday is today so this really was an opportune find. She happens to own a storm trooper outfit so I know she’ll get a kick out of them.
**here I am, stuck in the middle with you**
Have you made anything quick and fun, lately?
I’m linking up with: