the 13th Art: Charms, Drugs & Magic Words

64 Arts

As used in anger, they will be explained together with occult practices, but do not include black magic.

Let’s begin this art with a little dispelling of certain notions that might make this topic difficult for some folks, starting with the definition of occult. Some folks get really uncomfortable around that word or the ideas and images it brings up. So let’s think about that for a moment.

(from the Free Dictionary) Occult adj.

1. Of, relating to, or dealing with supernatural influences, agencies, or phenomena.

2. Beyond the realm of human comprehension; inscrutable.

3. Available only to the initiate; secret: occult lore. See Synonyms at mysterious.

4. Hidden from view; concealed.

5.a. Medicine Detectable only by microscopic examination or chemical analysis, as a minute blood sample; b. Not accompanied by readily detectable signs or symptoms: occult carcinoma.

First off, I’m not going to go into supernatural stuff, so no worries there. Five doesn’t even have the slightest thing to do with our purposes here, today. Rolling definitions 2-through-4 all together: why do things have to be so difficult to understand or hidden?

You know the phrase TMI, right? Too Much Information. And, while, yes, there are some things, some details, that I might not want to know about private lives or health weirdnesses, in general? That’s more of an appropriateness issue. I’d even go so far to say that there’s no such thing as too much information from a research and learning position.

I love to research. I get an idea and the first things I’ll do are head to the ‘net and the bookstore.

Growing up I was afraid to ask certain questions, check out certain books from the library, that sort of thing. I hated that feeling the not being able to know. But more than that, looking back, I hated the small minds that thought facts were bad, the ideas were evil and the part of me that cared so much.

If there’s anything that defines my life it would have to be I want to know more and I want to know why. If I have that information I’m a happy girl.

If there’s a point I’m trying to make, here, it’s that we shouldn’t be afraid of information. All I ask–patiently, kindly, hopefully–that you will keep an open mind. That you will think about the things that come up. That you will ask the questions that arise in your mind. That you will not censor curiosity.

Here’s some of what I plan to cover in the pursuit of this art over the next couple of weeks:

  • Crystals
  • Aromatherapy
  • Home Remedies
  • Meditations
  • Affirmations

Feel free to ask any questions you might have, I’ll bet I at least have a book with the answer in it.

See, I don’t worry what other people think about what I read or know anymore.

Shui What?

64 Arts

What are we talking about here? Feng Shui in the bedroom, setting up your space to not get in the way of what you want it for–be that sleeping, getting intimate or whatever. In a large house with a lot of people, a bedroom is more than a sleep-space, it’s your personal sanctuary and can serve many purposes from relaxation and rest to creativity and entertainment (I mean reading or television watching, those of you with your minds firmly planted in the gutter).  In a space that has as many roles as shoes in the closet, a little balance can do wonders.

Balance is what feng shui is all about. Positive and negative energies or life forces, astrology and geography, wind and water, yin and yang. Get the picture?

Of course, this isn’t going to mesh for everyone–some folks aren’t into the woo-woo aspects of it or might just be stuck with a space that you can’t make changes to. Bed can only fit one way without blocking a door? Doors in the “wrong” areas of the room? Fixtures that aren’t easily moved or a lack of windows? I’m not talking about knocking down walls or rerouting pipes, but maybe–even in the toughest of spaces–we can make a few changes to improve the space.

At the very least, it can’t hurt!

As I understand it, traditional feng shui is from the ground up–you’d take various things into consideration before choosing or building your home. Modern feng shui seems to be more concerned with making the best of what you’ve got, even if you have the “unfortunate” luck to live in a cul de sac. (Who knew?! My second husband and I lived at the end of a cul de sac and, well, yeah… Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. But it makes you wonder!)

Mostly, though, it all boils down to being aware. Mindfulness.

What Goes Where?

There are many schools of thought as to seem to determining placement and balance of rooms and objects but compass and surrounding landmarks are both pretty popular. Of course, it’s not as simple as directions–the astrological side plays a significant part determining what influences need to be offset or enhanced each month and year. No wonder people redecorate so often! Going into all of that would, honestly, take years of study or major moolah to hire an expert and this isn’t the lifetime for that. What I want is the quickie version, the cribbed notes, the for dummies and then some cheat sheet. Can we do that?

I did find a handy list of Dos & Don’ts fron Feng Shui-diy. I see a lot of wisdom in some of them (I hate having my back to the door when I’m working, for instance) and will just keep ignoring others. (No mirrors in the bedroom? Not on your life! I’ve wanted a pier glass since I was a little girl and now that I have one, in my bedroom is where it’s staying! Though I suppose having an armoire with a door to hide the television screed wouldn’t be so bad–especially it if were motorized!)

Some, of course, are just plane sensible: no shelves over the head of the bed? No kidding. Talk about owie potential there! And not putting a bed opposite a commode? Can you imagine what this would do to light sleepers living with tiny bladders? Definite mismatch there.

So, what do you think? Worth looking into or just a load of something? Can a green plant blunt the “poisoned arrows” of your furniture any more than mirrors can throw negative energy at you while you sleep?