Groomswear: Check!

Third Time Wife, Wedding Planning

It was back in late August of last year that we sorta, kinda, half-way shopped for Mr. Road Trips suit of choice for the wedding. We looked, found out some info, thought we knew the direction we were going in and then promptly let it drop. By June of this year I was getting pretty antsy to get some decisions made so we set out with the goal of not coming back without a suit purchased. I was armed with all sorts of discount offers (it being two weeks ’til Father’s Day–perfect suit-buying time, by the way) and sale info, and we ended up needing not one bit of it.

Our first stop was back to Men’s Warehouse (which could have been called Men’s Mad-house, this day) and what to our wandering eyes should appear but pretty much the perfect suit for our mid-day nuptials.

Pronto Uomo Vintage Two-Button Notch Lapel Suit  | image via Men's Warehouse

Pronto Uomo Vintage Two-Button Notch Lapel Suit | image via Men’s Warehouse

Since they only had the one sample suit on display (and not in Mr. RT’s size) I wasn’t able to see it on him but we did remember to at least hold up the fabric to his skin to make sure it didn’t turn to some gawd-awful olive the way some of their taupe suits did on the last visit. We chose an ivory shirt instead of the white and the jury’s still out whether he’ll wear the vest or not (I like the idea of him wearing it, we’ll probably wait and see how it all looks in person the week of the wedding before making the final call).

While a suit rental usually comes with everything needed, they didn’t have anything other than the black or white shoes for rent, so we opted out of that, as well as the tie as we were finding nothing there that we liked with this suit option. Before we could scoot out of there, smugly satisfied that our errand had gone so smoothly, they had to do some measurements and such, and this time I did manage to get pictures!

Mr RT and our very dapper sales associate,

Mr RT and our very dapper sales associate, Joshua

After this is was all over but the tie, right? We went through so, so many men’s departments at the mall that afternoon looking for a tie. Purple was not a colorway easily found and when we did, it was frequently paired up with greys and blues–not what we were going for–and usually in the $60 range. T’s office is fairly casual, so spending $60 on a tie we weren’t all that crazy about wasn’t all that appealing.

Finally, on our way to the car, we stopped in one last, little shop, the kind of shop where all sales are final and you never know what you might find, what we found was pretty much the perfect tie and pocket-square combo for $20. Sold!

Accessories done!

Accessories done! (The background checks on the tie are brown, even though they look a little grey in this photo)

Add to that Mr. Road Trip’s recent acquisition of a new pair of brown dress shoes and he’s officially good to go.

While we had seriously considered purchasing a suit for him, he really wouldn’t have gotten much wear out of it, so renting made more sense at this stage of the game. I know there are some very dapper grooms among the hive, ones that are deeply invested into their celebratory threads, but I have to say I’m kind of glad Mr. Road Trip isn’t one of them.

Dressing the Groom

Third Time Wife, Wedding Planning

First things first, let’s state the obvious: Mr. Road Trip is fully capable of dressing himself.

And I don’t mean in the sit-com-ish man-child ‘oh, look, he pulled something together that doesn’t look half bad, here’s a cookie’ way. I mean that when I met him he regularly wore ties to work. And he irons on a somewhat regular basis–even I don’t do that! So I’m not really worried about what he’s going to want to wear to our wedding, you know?

Still, I have thoughts on the subject–boy, do I!–but they’re more preferences than anything else. And if it comes down to 2 ensembles that are equally good and I prefer one a little more and he prefers the other, I’m not going to pout and fuss because he picks his preference. After all, I want him to be just as comfortable in his get-up as I am in mine.

And since we’re more than likely going the suit route, he actually has a prayer’s chance of wearing his again, which is more than I can say for my dress!

We’re not having a super-formal wedding. It’s going to be in the morning, in fall, with a small group of people and a brunch reception. A tuxedo strikes me as a bit too much and the sight of a cummerbund makes me think of high school formals. If he did go with more of a tuxedo-style jacket, I do prefer the long tie over the bow-tie, but in the store one day, T made a very good point:

I can wear a tie any day, I want something a little more special.

And who am I to argue with that?

That said, it was just recently that we even ventured into a Men’s Warehouse to look at what they had and start to figure out his jacket size.

Can I just take a moment, here, to say DAMN, the man cleans up nice.

But you’re going to have to take my word on it, for the moment. Because just as I was thinking ‘oh, maybe I should take some pictures of this’ a salesman (who I think might have helped me out when I bought some French cuff shirts for T the Christmas before our cruise) walked up and started to assist us.

A few things we learned, aside from his jacket size, were that we both preferred the European cut (straighter shoulders and more tapering to the waist) to the Continental cut (sloped shoulders and less tapering), and that there is a distinct difference between a suit coat, a sports coat, and a blazer. To which I replied, “I don’t care what you call if as long as it looks good.”

Since my dress is a creamy ivory, we were thinking a tan or taupe suit would look good with it, but their idea of taupe has a lot of grey in it. And then, come to find out, several coats that looked the correct color on the rack and against my skin-tone when I picked them up looked almost green against T’s skin! Mr. Trips also made the point that we were under store lighting and not in natural light, and that could make a difference, too, but I still think the color change is worth being aware of.

Our salesman pointed out that if we went on their website we could have free range of the colors they offered in various styles and cuts. If we made a note of the color codes (a particular part of the item number on all their wares) he would order them in (give it a week as some might be making a cross-country trek) with no obligation by us, and then T could try them on in person.

So that was our homework, but we decided to look around the rest of the store just to see.

Shirt & Tie from Men's Warehouse | personal photo

Shirt & Tie from Men’s Warehouse | personal photo

And the one thing I took a picture of was this shirt and tie combo (see, we’re back to the tie for the time being, at least). The dark chocolate shirt with a creamy tie really struck a chord with both of us.

What we’re thinking, based on this little Saturday side-trip, is that a dark shirt with a light tie, a light-colored blazer (sports coats tend to have patterns that could conflict with the tie, etc.), and dark or neutral-colored slacks might be the direction we go for the grooms wedding day look.

All things subject to change, of course.

How involved were you with the groom’s attire?