Tuesday Reviews-Day: The 163 Best Paleo Slow Cooker Recipes

Tuesday Revews-Day


Whether you look at the Paleo diet as a food fad, a healthy trend, or a sigh-worthy concept, the fact is that the “Paleo” diet does have some good stuff going for it: reduced carbs, lean protein, and an eating clean mentality that’s hard to argue with. Granted, I don’t think I’d ever give up my Basmati rice (among other things), but when I first started looking for Low-FODMAP dinner inspiration, Paleo-style recipes were a great place to start as many of them are Low-FODMAP-friendly without too many changes.

So when I was given the opportunity to receive a copy of Judith Finlayson’s The 163 Best Paleo Slow Cooker Recipes I was more than willing to give it a shot. Between the love we already have for slow-cooker dinners and my high opinion of Finlayson’s work (see here and here) I was expecting good things within its pages.

If you’re not familiar with the Paleo diet (the short version is that it’s supposedly the diet our Paleolithic ancestors would have eaten), it contends that our bodies aren’t really evolved enough to process most grains and starchy vegetables, not to mention nothing processed. Finlayson gives a good overview of the various tenets of the diet and then talks about some of the specific ingredients that she uses or allows, even though they are considered controversial by others (potatoes, dairy, etc.).

Even if you aren’t interested in the caveman aspects of the diet, the recipes in Paleo Slow Cooker are excellent starting points for a traditional meal. Most of the dishes we paired with rice, so with potatoes. Do what makes you happy, right?

Pot Roast in Barolo, p. 132

Pot Roast in Barolo, p. 132

Beef in red wine is a classic dish but the Pot Roast in Barolo is a simpler, straight-forward version of the show-stopping Boeuf Bourguignon. Of course, its tough to make a bad pot roast in a slow-cooker, but this version was really outstanding.

New World Leek and Pepper Soup, p. 38

New World Leek and Pepper Soup, p. 38

The author’s take on leek and potato soup uses sweet potatoes. Since I can only eat the green tops of leeks, our version of New World Leek and Pepper Soup was a bit different than intended but still filling and tasty.

Spicy Chicken in Coconut Sauce, p.70

Spicy Chicken in Coconut Sauce, p.70

Similar to a butter chicken, the Spicy Chicken in Coconut Sauce uses the much-sturdier chicken thighs (which also tend to have more flavor) that don’t become mealy after a day in the slow-cooker.

Ranch House Chicken Fried Steak, p. 147

Ranch House Chicken Fried Steak, p. 147

The Ranch House Chicken Fried Steak was, to be honest, interesting. It’s not what you really expect, though to expect any sort of breading to hold up to slow cooking is kinda silly anyway. What it is was a good steak dish that didn’t require tending the grill or frying pan–no harm there!

Manhattan Clam Chowder, p. 104

Manhattan Clam Chowder, p. 104

I admit, I’m more of a New England girl, but when Todd decided to make this Manahttan Clam Chowder I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I wouldn’t say I’m a convert, but I’m at least willing to branch out now and then!

Southwestern Brisket, p. 120, and Down-Home Tomatoes with Okra, p.224

Southwestern Brisket, p. 120, and Down-Home Tomatoes with Okra, p.224

Saving the best for last, this was actually the first dish we tried out of this book and it set the bar pretty dog-gone high! The Southwestern Brisket was melt-in-your-mouth tender and just spicy enough to get the point across without eclipsing the brisket. This one will definitely be gracing our table again, it’s just too good not to make again!

Like the cover says, Paleo is naturally Gluten-Free, so it’s a great way to get ideas for meals that don’t rely on wheat or other grains. Most recipes serve 6-8, so you may need to cut them down a bit to fit your family dynamic or plan to make extra and freeze it for those nights you don’t want to start from scratch. There are tons of tips throughout the book and great pictures, as well. And for the first time when I was in the midst of reviewing a book I ran into someone who was already a big fan. Not like I needed convincing, but it’s always nice to get other opinions, right?




Review | The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook by Judith Finlayson



Some folks thing giving up gluten-bearing wheat, barley, and rye means a lifetime sentence to rice side dishes. Now, I happen to like rice in all its various forms and flavors, but even I’d get tired of it if that was my only grain option!

This is, of course, not the case even if you just expand your horizons only as far as oats and corn. And then there’s quinoa–a pseudo-grain (really a seed) that is becoming quite popular and is tasty source of plant protein, millet–a cost-effective option but you might have to look for it in health-food stores, and wild rice (another seed); chances are you’ve heard of more than a few of these, too.

In The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook, the author also digs deeper into other grains like amaranth, buckwheat, Job’s tears, and sorghum–all of which might be tough to find in smaller cities, at least in raw material form. I find amaranth in my new-favorite gluten-free cereal option (Mesa Sunrise), and buckwheat I can find in mixes and soba noodles (not that we’ll be seeking those out any time soon after the last reminder that their flavor is somewhat of an acquired taste), and sorghum in flour-form that I use in my gluten-free baking.

This book is actually an update of Finlayson’s The Complete Whole Grains Cookbook from 2008, an update made necessary by her realization that she “wasn’t [her] optimal self much of the time” while on a diet that included a lot of wheat, even in its whole-grain forms. The symptoms she describes are very similar to many of the stories I’ve encountered learning about the Low-FODMAP diet, so it does make me wonder if she’s heard of it or not. Of course, Low-FODMAP recognizes that it’s the fructans in wheat, barley, and rye causing the issues, and not the gluten, but gluten-free is easy short-hand these days, widely recognized and, in marketing terms, a goldmine buzzword.

And seeing as I’m following said Low-FODMAP diet, the book was a treasure trove of inspiration for interesting main and side dishes as well as baking recipes, even if many had to be altered to eliminate the onions and garlic.

I feel I should warn you–the pictures and descriptions below might make you very, very hungry.

One Sunday when our gaming friends weer over, I prepared her Zucchini Fritters (p.50) but opted to cook them on my electric griddle instead of deep fry them. While crispy-fried deliciousness is not something I’m against, it was easier to prepare them this way and they were just as tasty.

Zucchini Fritters from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Zucchini Fritters–griddled instead of pan-fried but still delicious!

For that same group I also turned out these amazing Oatmeal Shortbread Squares (p.198) which were a snap to prepare in my food processor. At first I wondered about cutting the 8-inch pan of shortbread into 25 servings, but these shortbread squares are so very rich and buttery–one friend called them cookie dough cookies–that a small square is enough, even though you’ll likely go back for seconds.

Oatmeal Shortbread Squares from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Oatmeal Shortbread Squares–these are dangerously simple to prepare, serve with coffee or milk to cut the richness

You know what’s really gratifying? Preparing foods that are a step away from the norm (gluten-free, vegan, whatever) and having someone say they wouldn’t have known the difference. My guests went so far as to say if the manufactured gluten-free foods tasted as good as the ones I made them, gluten-free wouldn’t have nearly the bad reputation it did. And that, my friends, is a mark totally in favor of cooking from scratch, just in case you needed the motivation.

Of course, it wasn’t just entertaining we used this cookbook for, Finlayson’s recipes also figured highly into our weeknight meals. When tracking down the millet for her Curried Sweet Potato and Millet Soup (p.72) I was astonished to find that it was so inexpensive and am looking forward to using it more.

Curried Sweet Potato and Millet Soup from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Curried Sweet Potato and Millet Soup

This soup started out incredibly liquid but once the millet cooked it had turned into this wonderfully rich, creamy and filling soup. Since I’m still short a good source for lactose-free plain yogurt (come on Whole Foods, build faster!) I topped this soup with shredded cheese instead.

Southwest Turkey Stew with Cornmeal Dumplings from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Southwest Turkey Stew with Cornmeal Dumplings

I converted her Southwest Turkey Stew with Cornmeal Dumplings (p.115) into a crock-pot meal. Just put everything for the soup in together and let it go 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low, them mix up the dumpling batter and drop it on about 20 minutes before you’re ready to eat (switch up to high if you had it on low, before). We also decided that next time we make this–in the slow cooker or not–we’ll leave out the optional chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, the stew was more than a little spicy between it and the fresh jalapeno!

Peppery Shrimp with Quinoa from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Peppery Shrimp with Quinoa–similar to fried rice but just different enough.

And I’m not the one one who has enjoyed cooking from her book, Todd took a stroll through the pages and found a couple recipes he wanted to try, like this Peppery Shrimp with Quinoa (p.126) and her Cuban-Style Hash with Fried Pantains (p.140).

Cuban-Style Hash with Fried Plantains from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Cuban-Style Hash with Fried Plantains–when you cut through the egg, the yolk flows down and creates a layer of flavor and richness with the spicy beef and rice below. So good!

Of course, when Fat Tuesday rolled around we just had to give her Jambalaya (p.107) a try.

Jambalaya from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Jambalaya: spicy rice studded with shrimp, chicken, and sausage.

Finally, another slow-cooked favorite of ours from this book was the Pork Pozole (p.146). Served with corn chips or warmed corn tortillas it was a messy, but delicious meal.

Pork Pozole from The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Pork Pozole topped with shredded cheese (because everything is better with cheese)

The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook is filled with 125 wonderful recipes, mouth-watering photographs, nutritional information for each recipe and plenty of tips for adding more whole grains to your diet, whether you’re gluten-free or not.


I was provided a copy of The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook for purpose of review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own (except where noted when a friend expressed a thought or two about the food).