Friday morning arrived with grey-tinged clouds overhead, but there was nothing we could do but hope whatever it was moved on quickly.
And speaking of getting a move on, I had a cake to frost and then some pampering to get to!
This was one of those times I thought it would be a bit of a downer to have skipped having bridesmaids. I had opened the door to having others join me for my mani/pedi appointment but everyone was either already occupied or already had their own appointments made. Turned out that the alone time was a blessing, not a curse, and that I enjoyed not feeling like I had to constantly answer questions about the wedding or anything else aside from what color I wanted on my fingers and toes, and what I wanted to drink.

I decided to keep things simple and just went for a soft pink polish. | All pictures by Pink Shutterbug Photography (but cropped by me)
I had opted for gel-polish nails for the wedding and, on the recommendation of Mrs. Bicycle, went to one of her favorite local salons: Royal Nails. They’ve got quite a nice set-up and the gel polish really does look nice once it’s finished. I’d done a trial-run two weeks before and I’m so glad I did as it had the added benefit of keeping my nails from breaking right before the wedding.
Before heading home it was time to pick up our delectable cupcakes from Lucy & Leo’s. I think ours was the only order not decorated in FSU’s Garnet & Gold and every flat surface in the shop was covered in pre-orders for folks celebrating the big FSU vs. Miami game on Saturday; I was never so happy to be getting out of town on a game weekend as I was today!
And what was Roadie doing while I was enjoying a bit of peace and quiet? Finishing his project list by putting together the box for the handfasting cord!
He’d run into a couple of snags (and a lot of delays–mostly in the form of late hours at work–but also finding out that the stain+polyurethane products do not make life easier) so this project came right down to the wire. Roadie’s also a bit of a perfectionist and has said more than once he can see the flaws in it and wants to remake it, but I think it’s fabulous (but, then, I’m obviously biased, and was just thrilled it gone done in time). He also realized he didn’t own a brown belt and thought he’d need one (spoiler: he didn’t, but he has one now!), so he ran out for that last errand while I played a bit of Trunk Tetris to get as much of the decorations and supplies loaded up. Everything but the aisle decorations and dessert stands fit into my car, so mission: accomplished!
The goal was for our little convoy of two to leave no later than 2pm, putting us at the venue at 3pm–an hour should be enough to unload the supplies and settle into our room before the rehearsal at 4 o’clock, right?
The Road Trip Wedding Recaps: