I think all couples, especially those who’ve waited through a long engagement, enjoy noting various “last” milestones and playing the this-time-next-year game in anticipation of the major life-change that is a wedding.
Todd and I are no different in that respect.
This year’s holiday was spent, on Christmas Eve, with my family and then just the two of us for the sleepy, rainy, grey Christmas Day. We exchanged gifts and spent the day in our pjs and, honestly, I hope we’re doing the very same next year. But maybe without the rain.
Todd was kind enough to build a toasty fire for us and we both camped out on the couch with our laptops. I got caught up with my feed reader and then started to catch up my Project Wedding Project Life album:
I’ve been pretty good about taking notes, slightly less good at taking pictures in the craziness of December holidays, and a little behind on pages, but I’m looking forward to a speedy catch-up in the new year.
And that’s the other little piece of news: Third Time Bride and the rest of the sites in the Helper Monkey Network will be taking a bit of a breather for the month of January, posting-wise. Instead of posting I’ll be doing some behind-the-scenes work, spiffing things up a bit for what’s promising to be a very full, very busy, very awesome 2013.
So happiest of new year’s to you all, and we’ll chat again in February!