My KWHSS Update

Everyday Adventures

Now, I’m sure plenty of people could wax on for hours about the classes and, you know, the actual event we were there for, but honestly? I think most people just want to hear about the escapades afterwards in the French Quarter!

I will say, however, that Lady Hillary’s daipering class was very informative and I absolutely adored learning how to cut quills for pens (mine even worked!!!). That said…

I truly, truly, TRULY, adore New Orleans. And, of course, when I say New Orleans, I mostly mean the French Quarter, but there is that whole family living there thing that makes it good too, lol.

Tracy & Ted

 Tracy with Ted, our kind lunch-host from earlier in the day.

So, after classes ended and people fled to their various corners to change back into mundanes, we assembled back at the Sheraton to decide just where we would head first. ‘First’ ended up (after a bit of deliberation) being The Corner where the nine of us got a table quickly although the food took a while.

Octavio Octavio was arguably the most envied man around, being out alone with eight other women.

MC and Toby humor my picture-taking while we wait for the food.  Mairi C and Toby 

Now, at least for some of us, drinking was definitely on the menu, so while MC got started with a Bloody Mary (supposedly the best in town, she placed it a distinct 2nd), Toby and I tried out the VooDoo Brew which is basically 4 types of rum and pink lemonade over ice. Not too shabby, I couldn’t really taste much alcohol, but a good start to a convivial evening.

Then the wandering commenced!

One of my most favorite things about the French Quarter is the buildings. The architecture is just so very wonderful, all those balconies, all that stone. It’s no wonder those grand ladies have stood the test of time so well. And since they were there, I took pictures of them!

Balconies Cathedral Building 

Gables    windows

And midst the non-moving targets were a few of the animate kind. Pose time!

Group on Bourbon Street

The de rigeur Bourbon Street picture (nice bunny ears Octavio).

Random Balcony People

People-watching is brought to a new art on the Balconies of the Quarter.


Group at Jackson Square

“They’ll let anyone into this town,” was not exactly an infrequent cry. Towards the end of our wanderings we met up with the crew who had finished their Vampire Tour. Shiny, happy scribes & heralds.

Lest I ignore the imbibing goal further, the next major alcohol consumption came in the form of the [in]famous Hurricanes, and straight from the source: Pat O’s.Pat O We entered from the courtyard side.

And just before leaving I remembered to snap a picture of the flame/fountain feature in the center courtyard. This was what my aunt wanted to show me a few years back but couldn’t since I was underage.




Now, let’s see, what else would there be to report? Oh! Right! The shopping!

I actually didn’t do all *that* much, just some beads, some booze, and a set of Tarot cards from Marie Laveau’s Voodoo House (I’d actually been looking for an Egyptian deck so was happy to find a display deck 50% off!). I did, however, enable others to spend by pointing out various ‘oh-so-and-so-would-love-that-I-must-show-her’ sort of things. I’m a helper monkey! lol

So after the final booze stop of the night, The River’s Edge, for Bloody Mary’s for MC and crew (these were the best in town she says), a G&T for Octavio and a River’s Edge Punch for me (wow… that’s a sweet one: Pineapple Run, Melon Liqueur, Pineapple and Orange juices) it was on to the Cafe du Monde. Yay for beignets!


Now, a story about this last group photo:


CdM group photo


You see, correct, that I am actually in this photo, as is everyone else (try as Finnughala might to sneak out of the frame). This photo was taken by the very kind fivecats. This is what happened.

Me: (gets up and takes a picture or two of the group)

FC: You know, the only problem with that picture is that you’re not in it. (offers to take a picture of our group)

Some conversation ensues about him running off with my camera (something I wasn’t worried about since he was carrying a tri-pod; I figured him for a professional… photographer you gutter monkeys!).

Me: If you run I’ll chase you down and bite off (pause to censor self due to mixed ages at table and the fact that I’m talking to a nice stranger whose doing me a favor) something near and dear to you. (laughter from others at the table)

FC takes our picture (twice since tlh was flailing her napkin when the first one snapped).

Tlh: (as I sit down and, as is my talent, psychically think the same thing just before she says it) Should we tip him?

Me: I was just thinking that.

Tlh: He’s gone. Oh, there he is! (she points up towards the counter window)

I grab my wallet, pull out a couple of singles, and sprint up the aisle to catch him.

Me: Here!

FC: Strange person. Get that away from me.

Me: You performed a service, I’m merely offering you something in the way of thanks.

FC: No, I just do this for fun for my blog.

Me: Really? [I was probably squeaking by now lol] What’s your blog name?

FC: (absolutely confused and possibly annoyed look)

Me: No, really, I love to read blogs. I have one of my own.

FC: (heavy sigh; reaches for his wallet and pulls out a card, asks around for a pen, writes something on the back of his card and hands it to me).

I walk back to the table to the group.

Tlh: Did he take it?

Me: He wouldn’t take the tip but he did give me his business card with his livejournal address on the back.

Tlh: Oh, but you need to write down why you have it…

Me: I’ll remember. I’m not nearly that drunk.

So, thank you FiveCats!!! (who mentioned the exchange in his blog as well)

Oh, there are other stories, but I think I’ll stop here. The rest of the pictures from the trip (full-size, suitable for downloading) can be found here.


2 thoughts on “My KWHSS Update

  1. I am SO glad y’all had a good time! This is what we were hoping for when we originally chose New Orleans for our bid. All the way back there in 2002. The city isn’t quite what it used to be, but it’ll get better.

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