After more than two years of planning, saving, and crafting the Road Trips are really getting married!
The last week has not been the relaxing, restorative pre-wedding week I’d hoped for, instead it’s been a series of long nights wrapping up all the things I couldn’t get to while under the weather for the previous three. Not everything got done, but the important things did, and now everything has been handed over to the DoC for her to deal with. (Don’t worry, I gave her plenty of notes.)
Speaking of the venue, they seemed to want to test my sanity this week with some oh-by-the-way potholes in our path, but there wasn’t anything I could do but worry and I really did try not to do that too much. (I won’t say more until we see how things turn out.) We just barely beat the rain during the rehearsal and followed it up by a raucous (if a bit waterlogged) supper at the same restaurant Mr. Road Trip and I had our first date at 6 years ago.
As I sit here finishing up my vows (yes, we totally left those until the last minute), I feel none of the nerves I woke up with on Friday morning and I’m looking forward to greeting our guests in the morning–rain or shine.
To Mr. Road Trip: Thank you for your constant love and support. I look forward to our time together with anticipation as we decide which mountain to tackle next.
To the Hive: Thank you for following along on our journey to the altar and for your support, ideas, and encouragement.
And to my fellow Bees: It has been a supreme honor to be counted among your ranks and I carry my bees down the aisle, today, with great pride.

Bees by way of Mrs. Campfire (most recently) as my something borrowed, next to my something old: a white sapphire ring my great-uncle brought back from Italy in WWII.