If I’d Known You Were Coming…

Everyday Adventures

Oh, wait, I totally did! So I baked a cake.

Hidden Strawberry Cake

Hidden Strawberry Cake*

Alright Artsies (how does that sounds for a name for us? thoughts?), we’re going to have some new folks around the blog, today tomorrrow, because… tadaa! It’s Wedneday’s my SITS Day!

UPDATE: Due to some tech issues–they happen, we roll with it–my SITS day is now Wednesday, so if you come here on Tuesday and are a bit confuzzled, no worries, we’re just having a little fun with the timestream πŸ˜‰

What’s SITS? It’s the Secret’s in the Sauce–a line from the movie Fried Green Tomatoes AND an amazing group of women that are all about supporting each other in the Blogosphere. If you’re a blogger and haven’t checked them out, you really might want to!

Cocktail, Anyone?

Cocktail, Anyone?

For those of you who have happened here because of that lovely linkie they gave me, today, welcome to Scraps of Life and the 64 Arts! I’m so glad you’ve stopped by. I love all things creative, about as much as I love lists (and crossing things off them!) and the 64 Arts is a list of accomplishments pulled from a very old source but it still pertinent to this day and age. To find out more, check out the beginning of this odyssey: A New Direction. For the cliff’s notes about what we’ve done so far, check out the Arts so Far for topics and some of my favorite posts.

But, silly me, can I offer you a drink before we get on with the getting to know me?

Bits and Scraps

My name is Jennifer but that name was incredibly popular in the mid-70s and, after being one of 4 Jennifer’s in my 3rd grade class I began my search for the perfect nom de plume. After buying this domain in 2003, I ended up stumbling into the screenname and nickname Scraps, so that’s what I go by online for writing and comics.

See, I have a very uncreative day-job…

I have a very understanding boss.

I have a very understanding boss.

And my need for a creative outlet (or 10) is immense. First it was food: I did double duty as a full-time bookkeeper and a full-time (evenings) culinary student and took a leave of absence to do my internship and beyond as a Pastry Chef. Funny thing, though, I like paying my bills (on time, even) and cheffing wasn’t being too helpful on that front. So I checked it off my master to-do list and went back to bookkeeping.

Next was art: More night classes and a plan to go back full-time but, divorce happened and I needed to support myself. I’ve always been a crafter and a long-time scrapbooker, and around the same time I started my autobiographical webcomic (like a blog, but with lots of drawings and fewer words) I became the Arts & Craft Expert (their title, not mine) for eHow.com. When the writing gig ended I got more time to do my own work, and that’s when I went a little blog-overboard.

Plenty to go Around

… and a little something for everyone!

I’ve now got 2 comics online: my life-inspired one, Cocktail Hour, and a geeky dating comic, Where the Geeks Are.

Even though they are both on hiatus, there’s plenty of archives to read through. Comics aren’t just for boys and they aren’t all super-heroes, either! Me? I’ve been described as the heroine in my own chick-lit novel.

Not that that’s a bad thing (keeps life interesting).

The reason they’re on hiatus is my current project: What to Feed Your Raiding Party. I’m combing my love of food and comics and the desire to help and creating a cookbook that half comic book, too! If this is something you’d like to know more about, feel free to check out the progress diary.

Speaking of food, I’ve got a dedicated food blog: Nibbles ‘n Bites. The occasional recipe (like the one for the Hidden Strawberry Cake, above) interspersed with plenty of foodie opinions and ideas.

And, if you’re in need of a drink, you might find my cocktail blog, Sips & Shots, to your taste. Each Friday I post a new drink recipe to get your weekend started off right.

Finally, if you’re like me and like music playing pretty much all. the. time. you might find yourself getting into some musical ruts. I like a wide variety of music and really love finding music no one (okay, few) have heard before. Get in on the secret at my monthly podcast: Random Acts Radio.

Okay, that’s Me!

Now, I’d really love to find out who you are! Comments are great and I do my best to respond (either via comments/email or by visiting your blog) to every one I get. Let’s get to know each other better!

Oh, and one more thing–If you like hand-knit items and want a chance to win one, check out last week’s post (Today’s Cowl)–all it takes is a comment (on that entry) to enter the drawing!

220 thoughts on “If I’d Known You Were Coming…

    1. I consider myself an equal opportunity artist. The only thing I don’t do is work with live fire (making my own glass beads, etc.) as I’m a klutz/accident prone and have enough burn scars from the kitchen that I don’t need to invite more, lol.

  1. Well, aren’t you fun!! I love your energy and wit. Congrats on your SITS day! I am a new subscriber.

  2. My God, and people think I’M busy!! lol I love that you cover any and all subjects that you love, and if there’s no connection, you make one! lol Great idea!!! Way to do what you love! πŸ™‚

    1. I’ve no doubt that you’re just as busy–busy folks recognize each other on sight! Thank you for stopping by, leaving a comment, and being so encouraging!

  3. Wow, this place is great! I love the way you write, and can’t wait to check out the rest of your blog. Grats on being the FB over at SITS! I love that SITS allows me to discover awesome places like this, that I’d otherwise be missing out on!

    1. I’m so glad I saw the SITS logo on another blog and decided to sign up–I’ve met so many great bloggers and made some great friends through it, not to mention finding fabulous resources!

  4. OMG! cocktail blog, food blog, arts blog! Do you sleep? I only have a food blog (and two kids and a husband) and nevermind – this train of comment could get boring. Congrats on your big day and having so much energy to learn and enjoy so many creative things. I can’t wait to have more time to explore your sites!

    1. Yes, I sleep, lol, though sometimes I wish I didn’t like doing that so much. Just imagine what else I could get done with an extra 6 hours a night!

  5. Congratulations on your SITS day! Such interesting ideas – I am looking forward to “looking around” – nice to meet you.

  6. Congrats on your SITS day! I love your blog and all that’s in it! I love the fact that you have all KINDS of projects going on!! I will always have several projects on deck! Knitting, blogging, scrapbooking, card making, cooking….oh yeah and a wife and mother of 2 year old boy! HA! Thanks for the wonderful recipie, can’t wait to make it!

    1. See, I just do all sorts of things–you do all sorts of things AND are raising a little boy! I’m always impressed by active moms!

  7. I have a mommy blog and just got it going this past August. I hope to have a crafts section someday. My eldest daughter and I have been making valentines for a couple weeks already – we like getting crafty in this house! Anyhoo, your site is inspiring. Congrats on your SITS day! Wahooooo!

  8. Wow, you are one busy bee! I love your flair and you are so creative!!
    Happy SITS Day to you, lovely one!

  9. Congratulations on your big day! You have an amazing amount of stuff that you’re juggling there lady – I’m impressed! I have to curl up with a cup of tea and delve into your blog at length…but I’m not sure I should be doing that work! πŸ˜‰ So…I’ll hop off for now and come back and visit you again. πŸ™‚

  10. What! You can do bookkeeping (math) and art. Damn you both sides of the brain people. Happy belated SITs day.


  11. Just read about you in the SITS post! I love your quirky sense of humor πŸ™‚ And I’m loving the blog!

    Be sure to stop by mine sometime!


    1. Oh, I’ll be making the rounds of everyone who stopped by from SITS… it might just take me a few days! Thanks for visiting the 64 Arts!

  12. Very belated Happy SITS day! I love the idea of a cookbook/comic. I have a stapled booklet of recipes from age 4 or 5, where I made up recipes(mostly inedible) and illustrated in oil pastel.

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