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Everyday Adventures

Since the weather looked like it would stay dry (relatively speaking, you know, what with the rising humidity) Spectrum and I went for dinner at Renaissance Coffee & Tea and then wandered the open galleries and shops. Well, two-thirds of them probably. It was humid and dusty and we were both getting tired. Still, it was fun and I’m glad I made it out there again. Soon it’ll be too hot to even consider it, sadly enough. *wilt, wilt, wilt* Found a cute blue and gold sun mirror for the bathroom, the presence of a (small) Tallahassee ‘zine scene, and some very soft tweedy (colored) green alpaca that I think will make nice soft socks. Time will tell what it actually becomes, though.

Scripting will wait til tomorrow but I did get the lettering done for next week’s comics and started to read my recently-arrived How to Make Webcomics (Artist Edition Guigar with a totally sweet! sketch on the front page). Might get some writing done before the wedding tomorrow, depending on what time we get up, but definitely some after.

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