No, you don’t misunderstand, that’s not abundant excitement you hear.
It’s not that I’m not looking forward to this event, it’s just that I really would rather sleep for 48 hours, have a light lunch, then sleep for another 12 or so. Not helping was the overwhelming feeling of ‘ick’ I felt when I woke up this morning. I’m not a good sick person to begin with, eventing while sick I do not see me being any better. But enough whining!
The bags are packed, the baskets ready and the food prepped. Things are ready for me to just toss into the car after work and head out to site. It’s going to be fun!!! (did I convince you?)
In other news, I finally completed my 101 in 1001 list (the list, not the tasks) and now can start ticking them off. Granted, I padded it with a few things I know will happen anyway, but I still have to actually do them/make it there/order them that sort of thing so they totally count. I was hoping to be able to cross off the 2004 reconcilliation one but, uh, yeah… Dec.04 is proving to be a real bitch. Today will be day 3 of trying to figure out why the numbers are not matching the way they should. Joy. But I’ll get there, honest.
My wine cart came into the office yesterday! It’s Mom’s Christmas present to me, a rolling liquor cabinent basically, and I think some of the guys here at the office are going to do the putting together bits for me and I can just take it home next week . Yay for early presents. Obviously this one will NOT be going to NJ with us!
Oh, and speaking of the impending travel. I have found out that the plan is to drive up to NYC Friday night and spend the night actually in the city. Supposedly our hotel is 10 blocks from Times Square, 10 blocks from the Empire State Building, 10 blocks from everything… which is cool! We’ll get to do touristy things that evening and then go collapse with a view of the city. Expect pictures… eventually.
I really need to get around to doing the actual shopping part of my Christmas stuff soon. Yes, folks, I am supremely unprepared for this holiday and it’s very strange that I’m not more worried. Of course, all my local friends that thing they might be getting gifts from me? Yeah, New Year’s baby. It’s the new Christmas, didn’t you hear? I might even be ahead of the trendsters and extend the fun until 12th Night. Who knows. (seriously… it’ll be after I get back and possibly then some, I’m sorry, think of it as stretching the holidays out
The knitting gifts are, definitely, going on site with me this weekend, and I will work on them whenever I have a free sit-around-and-chat moment. Which could happen a lot or not, I’m still not sure. I’m thinking tonight at least will be mostly sitting on the porch for a while. But I could be very, very wrong. Still, the sweater and scarf will travel in my basket for easy access through the weekend, hopefully adding inches to it as possible. These I really do need to get done by the time I pack on Wednesday night! Don’t ask how many inches are left… I don’t want to think about it!