Cost of Beauty?

Everyday Adventures

Not as much as I expected. Even with the shampoo and conditioner I bought to maintain the color the total was what I thought it was going to run just for the cut & color (which was 3 different processes in reality and took, including the cut, 3 hours).

The other title for this post was going to be: Scraps of Life, You got new hair! Only it’s not new HAIR as much as new color and style. So, in case I never manage to get it looking like this again, here is proof that it looks good in the hands of a stylist.

From the Front, MySpace style

From the Front, MySpace style

Close up to show red streaks, straight and curled style

Close up to show red streaks, straight and curled style

Spectrum pointed out that my hair actually matches the ring I’m wearing in the second picture, which makes my hair color (unofficially) smokey quartz with garnet highlights. 🙂 My only fear is that the red is going to blend in too well, I actually intend for it to be noticeable.

One thought on “Cost of Beauty?

  1. It really is pretty. I have hair envy. 🙂

    I’m not sure mine would do something similar, as it has a horrible tendency to want to roll under when it’s shoulder length. Le sigh.

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