I think yes.
The cruise was incredibly fun, only a few minor complaints overall, and Mom thoroughly enjoyed herself which was the most important thing. She took today off as well and I sort of wish I had as I seem to have a touch of vertigo today stemming, most likely, from the exhaustion of the constant activity of the last several days.
I honestly don’t even know where to begin as far as recapping the trip. I’m sure I have tons of fodder for Random Acts…, just under 200 pictures and a few souvenirs to act as reminders, but for now I’m just sort of in a post-vacation-let-down. All good things must end, right? Back to the grind stone. I’m going to go back to my veg-post on the sofa and makes some notes for the strip and for some articles that I hope to put together into a readable format tomorrow night when I plan to not be so exhausted.
But before I go: Hearty Congratulations go out to Steve and Best Wishes to Izzie on their recent engagement! I’m just so happy for Izzie as she truly deserves to be happy and while I don’t know Steve all that well (yet, I’m sure) I do know that he’s doing a wonderful job of that so far. Time for a manicure, Iz, as everyone is going to be paying a lot of attention to your hand now that it’s spoke for!