Leaving town in less than 12 hours…

Everyday Adventures


I have unpacked and repacked my luggage and think I just might be able to get things to work. I really wish I’d been able to get more done before leaving, around the apartment and on the script and on other writing projects, but I’ll have The Book with me while I’m gone and can make notes and plot things out for a fabulous restart come Tuesday when I’m relaxed and rested from vacation. This is the plan!

I have a few goals over the next 5 days:

1. Not to stress about anything. I know for me this is a biggie, but its vacation, everyone is a grown up, and I’ve done all I can to arrange a wonderful weekend for Mom’s 50th. I can do no more than what I’ve done and it’s my vacation, too, so I might as well enjoy it.

2. Talk to strangers, appreciate the differences in random humanity, and think happy thoughts. I’m going to be in the middle of the Gulf, what do I have to be bitter or uncharitable about? Hmm? This does not mean that snark is forbidden. After all, I do plan to come back with some great material for Random Acts…

3. Wear as few constricting clothes as possible. Basically I mean bras. Oh, sure, at dinner certain outfits will require underpinnings (though one dress actually has it built-in) but during the day? Tank tops with built-in shelf-bras will be my friend. No underwires. No pinching. Pure bliss.

4. Actually be IN some pictures. Seriously, I usually end up behind the camera and I would like that to change. Obviously the formal and ship shots I’ll be in, but I will make a point to hand my camera to someone else from time to time so that I can have some proof that I did not spend the entire vacation hiding behind the lens.

Bon Voyage!

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