Barely time to make it through the to-do list, much less anything else. Tonight I’m almost ‘caught up’ (whatever that really means) but am too tired. I don’t get it people. Why can’t I exist on consecutive nights of only 4 hours sleep each? huh?
The pup is back as of tonight. V and I are exploring the feasibility of a joint custody arrangement, 2 weeks at a go. Hopefully it will work out and then we’ll both get what we want: him time with Abigail, me time sans limits. Plus it should work out for him to have her both over Lion’s Tourney weekend and possibly Gulf Wars week… meaning I don’t have to find an pup-sitter.
The gallery has been getting some use this week now that DeSoto and Art/Sci pictures are up. My bandwidth usage might actually register this month lol
Tonight, since I haven’t had energy for anything else, I painted something for i-fri this week, just in time for the deadline. It’s also in the gallery, but I think I’m going to try and post the image here too, if I can. Let’s see, shall we?
Did it work?
Okay, I suppose I’m going to have to go through the wordpress upgrade to be able to upload images to post directly on the blog. For now see Deco Kitty here .
I really want to make it through ER tonight… time will tell!