Not me! And neither does Mo over at PipSticks, a stitcker subscriptions service that I’d heard about, but didn’t decide to try until a planner friend told me about her experience with it. Now I’m passing on the favor.
If you loved stickers as a kid, this subscription service is for you. If you were a Lisa Frank addict? You’ll find something to love on the monthly missives. And if you’re a planner girl who likes to decorate her pages, it might be worth a go for you, too.
On your first month you receive a best-of packet, which was a nice surprise, and the stickers in that month’s envelope were really stand-out. I haven’t used many of them, but I love looking at them. They make me happy The following months were the usual assortment, though, so it’s best to plan to give it at least a couple months to make up your mind.
There’s a loose theme to each month’s stickers, but it’s not like a kit from a sticker shop that’s all meant to be used together. This was the planner friend’s only real quibble with it when we talked–some stickers were a little random and she couldn’t build a page around them. I don’t worry about that as much, so it wasn’t a deal-breaker for me.
In addition to the stickers themselves, there’s usually a postcard (pre-stamped and everything) and a quote card plus a newsy little newsletter. Little additions like that make me happy and show a level of effort on the company’s behalf that I appreciate. There’s also a raffle ticket inside, and the newsletter prints the ticket winner (from the previous month’s batch) for the given prize. The prizes have been pretty sweet (an Instax camera, a Kikki-K binder, to name a couple of recent ones), so hold onto that ticket! (It’s also a pretty ingenious way to keep people subscribing from month to month; as a small business owner, myself, I give them mad props for that stroke of brilliance.)
And if once a month is not enough, they have grab bags available on their website, too. I’ve ordered their shape grab bag as well as one other decorative set: they shipped fast, arrived intact, and were very cool happy mail.
If all you get in your mailbox is bills and junk, this sticker subscription will be a nice change of pace. It doesn’t take up a ton of space or give you a lot of samples you can’t use. Just cool stickers. And if you find a sheet or two you don’t like? Brighten someone else’s day by mailing them to a penpal or friend who also might like some sticker fun. It’s really hard to go wrong.
PipSticks offers several different subscription levels for kids and adults. Once again, this was not a sponsored review, I’m just a happy customer!