Tuesday Reviews-Day: Holster Brands

Tuesday Revews-Day

Have you heard about Holster Brands? Started by an ER nurse as a solution to getting ready each morning with a pedestal sink in the bathroom and no place to set her flat iron, the line of stick-anywhere silicone holsters includes a number of sizes to meet all sorts of household needs.

I encountered Holster Brands at the 2018 Creativation show (on one of my few forays from the Imagine booth–I’ll try to see more this year!) and they were kind enough to give me one of the Lil’ Hoster (affiliate link) size (which I believe falls under the “ANY” application in the picture above) to try out.

I’m embarrassed to say that all the stuff I brought back from Creativation got put aside “for a moment” and I just recently uncovered it as I’m getting ready to head out for this year’s show, so I wanted to be sure I repaid the kindness of the convention swag and gave them a shout-out.

While they do make an actual Hobby Holster (affiliate link) specifically for use in the craft room, I decided to put my Lil’ Holster in The Abyss where it would do me the most good.

It really does stick well, even to my work desk (which was not exactly smooth and clean at the time of use), and the silicone flap that rest on the table to anchor the holster made a perfect “drop zone” for those little beads of hot glue that sneak out the nozzle between uses.

My mini glue gun (which I don’t use super often these days, but did have out for the first #StashCraft19 project) even fits into the holster itself if I needed to get it off of the table without worrying about singing something while it cooled, so that was a bonus.

According to their website, Holster Brands products can be found at Walmart, Amazon, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and many more retailers as well.

Thank you to Holster Brands for the sample! It wasn’t offered specifically in exchange for a review, and I was not otherwise compensated for this review. There are a couple of Amazon affiliate links included for those who wish to support the brand and this blog.

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