The nap helped…

Everyday Adventures

You’d figure it should after 3 hours of snoozin 😉

The productivity level was pretty low, honestly, but it’s okay since I took care of this week’s comics already I could afford the nap. Instead I got some measuring done for another project that was on the list (it’s half of one to-do) and, well, not much else. Seriously, I needed the downtime.

Tomorrow, though, I’ll draft and article, do the other half of tonight’s project, and maybe have time to compose the flyers for next weekend’s con. I finally have all 4 comic excerpts picked, so now just to lay them out and make a hardcopy. See, no worries 🙂

One thought on “The nap helped…

  1. The documenting of your list of chores in exhausting me. 8^)

    Makes me a little embrassed to have slacked off on my own blog and site. But only a little.

    Sounds like you needed the nap though. I’m heading of to sleep now – it’s 9pm.

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