"Glamour" by Scraps, Feb 2006
If the eyes truly are the windows to the soul…
What kind of curtains do you have up?
Are you the bare window or utilitarian mini-blinds type? Do you hang up the fancy chintz and voile only when company’s coming? Or do you dress ’em up everyday because you never know who you might meet, hmm?
I admin, most days I’m somewhere in the vicinity of mini-blinds. More on that later.
Products v. Tools
It’s not necessarily an either/or situation but I know that I’m the type that likes to have the basic building blocks and then diy them with a number of tools.
In other words: I like love gadgets!
Doesn’t matter if we’re talking make-up, in the kitchen or in my studios: raw materials and the appropriate tools are always going to win me over.
Not that I believe in gadgets for the sake of gadgets (a lot of as-seen-on-tv kitchen “tools” fall in this category), but specialized brushes and things like that? All over it!
When I was reading make-up tutorials and tips that suggested the use of eyeshadow primer, I was hesitant to purchase such a specialized product. Why wouldn’t my regular foundation work just as well?
In hindsight, here are a few potential reasons:
- Skin around the eyes is more delicate that anywhere else on your face
- The very act of blinking adds a certain amount of friction which means more chances for shadows, etc. to rub off
- Standard foundations smooth, eye primers might actually be a little more grabby, helping the shadows stay in place
I still haven’t bought any.
But that doesn’t mean I’m not on-board with the idea.
It just so happened that I had a cream shadow in my make-up box that I bought without really knowing what to do with. Since it was a sparkly white I thought it would be best to use as a highlighter just under my brow line. Only I was rather inept at applying it.
So one morning I decided to just put in on my lids first, as is, overall and see how it looked. It was sheer with just a little sparkle when I gently patted it in. Then I added some of my regular eyeshadow on it and, wow! The color was more intense. Why? More was sticking to my lids.
And I’m pretty sure that just about any light-colored cream shadow would work just as well.
So I saved myself the cost of an additional product. Happy me.
Prime-Time Eyes
Eyeshadow application is one of those things that was hard for me to learn. I did just what the packages and magazines said to do but I couldn’t see anything when I was done!
Turns out my eyes are known as hooded–the entire lid just disappears when my eyes are open. Add to that the fact that I’m nearsighted and what the frames of my glasses don’t hide, the lens make smaller! Not a perfect recipe for show-stopper eyes in anyone’s book. Hence the mini-blind status. (And, no, that pun is NOT intentional, but I’m gonna leave it as is.)
Still, it’s not impossible to get show-stopper eyes, once you know what you’re dealing with. In my case, I had to play up my brow line more. The Mary Kay site (pure coincidence that I found this, but it’s pretty cool!) actually has animated tips for various eye-types that you might find useful.
The best place I’ve found for truly unique eye-shadow tutorials is Doe Deere Blogazine. Doe Deere is an amazing woman: she started her own cosmetic line, Lime Crime, when she couldn’t find eyeshadow that was bright enough for her tastes and has recently moved into super-pigmented lipsticks, as well, that are anything but your average everyday. She posts tutorials on her imaginative make-up stylings from time to time and even if they’re not your style, you can still learn a lot.
For instance: When do you apply your eye make-up? Once you’ve already got your foundation on and everything else done? She recommends doing your eyes first, especially when using loose-powder shadows, so that if there’s a stray dusting or an accident, you’re not having to start from scratch on the rest of your face. It’s little things like that that keep her blogazine on my radar.
Speaking of mistakes and fixes, I have a tip that I actually figured out on my own! You know those facial cloths that you just add water to and they lather up? Have you ever tried them dry? I had smeared my eyeliner one day and grabbed one because it was closer than a tissue: total pick-up, no additional smearing. It works to get rid of raccoon-eye in the mornings (I never seem to get it all off in the shower), accidental smears and splotches and just all sorts of clean-up touch-ups. I tear mine in half to make each sheet last longer.
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