For me, part of the fun of going to the beach as a kid (or anywhere, for that matter) was getting an activity book or two to take on the road with us. I’ve even been known to pick up one as an adult on road trips or just because it’s Tuesday and I feel like a little playing is in order.
Because (as you know, if you’re a regular reader) I believe that a little bit of creative play never goes amiss. Sometimes you need to give your brain a break so it can rest, other times you need to focus on something unrelated so you can work through a problem in the back of your mind. And while you could do the dishes or clean up your closet as a way to distance yourself from a problem, I think getting out the crayons and a coloring book is far more fun!
With that in mind, for my part in Nicole Fende’s Take Your Business to the Beach tour I’ve created an activity book with some fun projects to take your Brain to the Beach and give you the benefit of a mental vacation.
64 Arts Beach Biz Activity Book download via Hightail (formerly YouSendIt)
So grab your crayons and glue, and have fun with my Take Your Business to the Beach gift to you! Featuring some musings about business allergies and how a business is like a cocktail mixed in with some artsy-craftsy things, too. Hopefully something with spark inside of you and give you the creative nudge you’ve been looking for. And I’d love to see your finished goggles and other projects, so link to them in the comments, okay?
(Oh, and after the above play-test I realize I left too much border on the canary mood strip–you’ll need to trim to two long edges a lot closer to the canary squares to make it slip through the window in the Tiki hut.)