Tuesday Reviews-Day: TGIP (Thank Goodness It’s Publix!)

Tuesday Revews-Day

Every area has their local favorites of every sort of vendor, and there’s usually a regional grocery chain that inspires a deep, unabiding love in its patrons. For those of us in the southeastern US, that grocery store is very likely Publix.

People may make fun of the name (and plenty of visitors have butchered the pronunciation–it’s public with an s, by the way) but no one who’s had one of their birthday cakes or their white mountain bread will accept any jeering at the chain’s expense. The stores are bright and clean and the shelves are stocked with a wide variety of products, even in the smaller locations, with the larger, newer shops including fancy cheese selections and extended Greenwise (organic, etc.) sections.  Many area brides opt for a Publix wedding cake over an independent bakery for more reasons than just price and people who’ve moved out of the area practically salivate at the mention of a Publix deli’s sub.

Turns out, their wraps are just as tasty.

For this weekend’s move it was only right to feed our crew as a (beginning of a) thank you for their help. We started with bagels, doughnuts, and coffee from Dunkin’ Doughnuts before loading the truck, and then lunch after the truck was empty at our destination. Not that we made it in one trip, but that’s a story for another day.

Pizza is pretty usual for this sort of thing: it’s quick, they deliver, and feeds a crowd fairly well. But pizza requires either good timing or waiting, and quick alternatives like anything drive-thru turn out not to be quick when you’re ordering in multiples of 5. This is where the Publix deli comes in.

On Thursday before the move I called with the intent of ordering a sub platter, but while browsing the website I saw they offered a Wrap Platter, as well. Thinking that wraps would be a touch lighter for what was shaping up to be a hot weekend, I ordered an assorted wrap platter, Medium-sized, with Boar’s Head meats and cheeses. Even though the small platter feeds 8-12, it’s actually only 6 wraps cut up, so I worried that it wouldn’t be enough for a group of 5 who’d worked up a healthy appetite moving furniture and boxes. I was right.

image via Publix.com--I was too busy moving on Saturday to take pictures

image via Publix.com–I was too busy moving on Saturday to take pictures

For $60 (I picked up some bags of kettle chips as well as a small fruit bowl as well; the platter was $45 alone) we fed the five of us for lunch that day, Todd and I for supper that night, and us again for lunch on Sunday. They’d called a couple hours before the platter pick-up time to verify if I wanted mayo and mustard on the subs and if I had a cheese preference or just wanted assorted. They could have just done the assorted meats as the original order was written, but I appreciated the follow-up. When I arrived right at noon to pick it up it was ready and waiting, nice and chilled from the cooler.

And, of course, the most important thing was that the wraps were divine. Turkey, roast beef, and ham were matched up with at least Provolone, American, and cheddar cheeses on white, whole wheat, tomato, and spinach wraps and sliced into 3-4 pieces each so that it was easy to get a good sampling of all of it in a few pieces. I didn’t ask if they had gluten-free wraps, instead I just ate the insides (Todd ate most of my cast-off wrappers).

Ordering the wraps was probably the best decision we made of the entire move, even though that’s not saying much all things considered(as you’ll hear if you come back on Thursday for the next house update). IF we ever have this situation in the future or anything like it, you can bet I’ll be calling upon the Publix deli to help me out again.

This was not a sponsored post, I am receiving no compensation or consideration for sharing this, I just think they did a fabulous job and it was worth sharing!