We’re Walking and We’re Drawing

64 Arts, Everyday Adventures

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer paraphenaliaFirst a little recap of my weekend: Holy cats but I’ve been more social in the last week than I’ve ever been while at home (vacations are different, of course, they seem to be 100% social… or at least a good 85%).

It started with Thursday night at the Mary Brogan MoAS for VideoCon, followed by Friday night at the Greek Food Festival (there’s a full write-up over on Nibbles) and, finally, the Making Strides Walk Against Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday. Whew!

Not that I’m complaining, mind you! Thursday night I hung out with new friends and reconnected with an old friend I hadn’t talked to in 10 years. Friday night was a fantastic date night with Todd with amazing food (we’ve still got pastries left). And Sunday may have been tiring but it was oh-so-rewarding. Our team, tWINs, raised over $2500 and the entire event is up to $120,000 and still climbing! Didn’t get a chance to donate before the walk? Donations for this year’s campaign are being accepted through this week so you still have time. (And I’ll be happy to send you a cocktail print, as a thank you!)


Of course, we have some other business to take care of today… the drawing for the What’s in Your Purse prize!

After extending the entry period throughout the weekend I was so excited to see each of the four entries roll in. We have:

Purse collage

1- Tammy from Not Just Paper and Glue

2- Qedrin from Beautifully You: Makeup by Qedrin

3- Jenny from Kerrfect

4- Tori from The Circus Serene

Now, how to pick the winner? I considered going old-school and placing everyone’s name in a spare purse and drawing the winner. Then I considered going more high-tech and using the dice roller on my cell phone. Neither one really seemed right to me, though. So I split it down the middle–I used my personal random number generator: Todd.

His instructions were to pick a number from 1 to 4 (inclusive), without knowing what he was even picking it for.

And he chose….


Congratulations, Jenny, email me your address and I’ll get your prize out to you, soon. (It’s still being put together–both literally and figuratively!)