Satin Hands Giveaway!

64 Arts, Site News

I promised a giveaway and here it is!

Satin hands sample-size set

I talked about my love of Mary Kay’s Satin Hands set and now you have an opportunity to win a sample-size set to try it out for yourself. This sample size isn’t generally available for purchase, I received it as a gift when I bought the full-size set some time back. It includes all 3 steps in a small, take-along size, that should give you a handful (pun totally intended) of uses–not just one or two.

Now, you know I like to keep my giveaways simple, so here’s the deal.

  • One entry for commenting on any of the 3 manicure posts from the last few weeks.
  • An additional entry for commenting on ALL 3 manicure posts in the series.

See, easy peasy! You can get up to 2 entries for this giveaway and if you’ve already commented on one of the posts, then you’re halfway there!

Just to refresh your memory, the applicable posts for this giveaway are:

Entries are open until Monday, October 10, 2011, 5:00pm EDT. I’ll post the winner with next week’s first post of the Cooking art.

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