SatC + J&J = Audrey!


It’s not exactly news that our entertainment, these days, comes from more than just movies and television. On the personal-sized screen of our laptops we’re able to access all manner of information–both professional and just plain fun. What you might not know, though, is that there are plenty of people creating shows–called webisodes–geared directly for that super-small screen.

WIGS (, launched earlier this year, creates scripted dramas with strong, female leads. All of their series can be found on their YouTube channel. Today, October 29, a new series begins starring Kim Shaw (How I Met Your Mother, She’s Out of My League), who plays a Carrie Bradshaw-esque character, Audrey, whose more interested in food that shoes, or anything else for that matter! Think Sex and the City meets Julie & Julia. WIGS describes their style of show as provocative and edgy, so expect some harsher language and adult situations.

You can watch the first episode of Audrey here.

While browsing  the channel, though, I came across this behind-the-scenes feature that showcases the work of Speedy, the Craft Services guy on the set of Audrey.

(Direct link for the feed readers: Audrey–Behind the Scenes: “Speedy” Craft Services)

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