And I slept in. It felt like a Saturday, really, since I didn’t get up until eleven.
But it was actually a Friday, so I took care of a few business-type things. One being my upgrade from analog to digital cable. It’ll be two weeks before a tech can come out on a non-work day, but it’s no rush. I would like it to be set up by the time the new Fall shows start, and the 15th should do just fine. I think I’ll probably be cancelling the Blockbuster Online now that I’ll have more channels plus On Demand to use.
Then I tried to go have some bloodwork done. Now, at my annual appt I specifically asked: do I need to be fasting for this bloodwork and the nurse said no. In fact, she went as far as to suggest that even if they asked I should just say I hadn’t had anything to eat regardless of the truth. Not exactly comforting. But anyway, since I had today off and the lab was open I figured I’d go and take care of it but first, since I didn’t want to go all faint or have a low-blood-sugar moment, I had a sandwich. Wrong. I get there and insist the nurse told me it wasn’t fasting and they call the doctors office and tell me the nurse was wrong. I get pissed off and say, ‘well, I would have appreciated knowing this and you might want to inform K’s nurse that she doesn’t know what she’s doing.’ I’m thinking about sending a letter… its just not right that a nurse would suggest fibbing such information that could skew lab-work: it’s a waste of time and money if I’d done so.
So I was a bit pissed, still, when I returned palmie’s call. After a bit of a rant we decided to meet up for dinner and then ended up getting the first season of Coupling and Blood & Chocolate from Blockbuster. I didn’t expect to like the latter, honestly, but it was surprisingly well done and absolutely gorgeous as far as the cinematography goes. Coupling was just absolutely adorable in a very off-kilter brit-humor way. I need to own this show, that’s all there is to it.
But as far as productivity is concerned… well, not so much that can be claimed as completed. But I did map out the next three weeks of Random Acts…, complete both next weeks strips, and I got several inches knitted on Grecian Plait’s front panel. Not a bad day, really, and I think I might watch an episode or two of Charmed before going to bed while I do the visual aids for the next calligraphy article (and/or some research thereof).
And speaking of articles: Dun da da dun!!! I received the check today for that article I wrote in July. I am officially a paid writer. Isn’t that cool?!?!?!? It wasn’t quite the rush that having that article ‘go live’ was, and I still hope to get something in an actual print publication at some point. But as palmie said, you gotta start somewhere!
Other unexpected item of note: Gin & Cranberry goes really well with Faux-reo’s (Publix brand Oreo’s