Oops. I guess I got a tad busy. Distracted. Overwhelmed. All of the above.
Is anyone surprised?
Yeah, me neither.
Okay, time for an update on the major time sucks right now:
Work. It’s still there, plenty of it, and my GOODNESS did I get a ton of paperwork shuffled this past week and a half. The Chart of Accounts needed another 20 hours or so, including a re-numbering session, before it was pronouced importable into the database. Whew. Of course, that sort of put me behind or scrambling on the day-to-day and I’ve taken maybe one lunchbreak for every 4 I’ve worked through. Overtime will be good at the end of the month (Can we say Christmas shopping??) but wow has it been a whirlwind. However, all the October invoices are entered, printed and mailed, all the October bills paid and mailed, Sales Tax reported, lists printed and masses of instructions left for whatever happens next week while I’m gone.
Bellydance. A lot less of it this month, much to my dismay. It was necessary, though. First Friday happened again last week and a good time was had by all, I hope. Several friends wanted out of their respective homes so came out to see me dance, which they did, and wander the galleries, which we did. Then we wandered over to All Saints for a snack before they left. I, on the other hand, wandered down to the drum circle (which had calmed down considerably) and ended up running into a girl from Knit Nite and a guy from my Figure Drawing class last year. I call it the small-world-paradigm, and it was in full effect. That night was all about being self-confident and having fun just being myself and you know what? It paid off. In spades 😉 Food be damned, confidence is the best aphrodisiac. Life is good.
NaNoWriMo. The novel started well enough and soon into it an armadillo appeared (check out the site and search for my profile (scrapsoflife) to read the excerpt). Of course I’m flagging a bit now, with everything going on, but I’ve got plenty of time to catch up. The kick off went well (11 people!!!) and we had 4 at the first Write-In. I’m 25% complete now, 33% through the month. Not too bad of a discrepancy, and the laptop is going with me next week so I can write while I’m away.
SCA. Martinmas is this weekend! Whee! Vistillia and I will head out tomorrow morning at some point on our way to the site with a stop over to deposit her cats with a friend, and then we’ll repeat the same on Sunday only this time depositing her with the friends while I speed my happy little self back to Tallahassee. What happens between those two car trips is anyone’s guess at this point, but I’m looking forward to it no matter what!
Work. This bears repeating only because it’s sending me on that fabled jet plane to Plymouth, via Atlanta and Boston, for the better part of next week. I found out today that one of the legs of the journey I wasn’t able to get an aisle seat. Ruh roh Relroy. See, in addition to never having flown before and being afraid of heights, I am a tad claustrophobic, and I requested the aisle so I would have people and people smooshed next to me or wall and people (which is worse I do not know). Maybe I can talk someone into switching with me or, if it’s a first come, first serve thing maybe I can explain to the attendant. We shall see. Training will hopefully not be too boring or mind-bending and I’m looking forward to getting together (I hope) with some of the Plymouth NaNo’s for a meet-up/write-in. I do know where the nearest coffee shop with wifi is, though, and the hotel is supposed to have internet in the room. That reminds me, I probably need to pack the network cable.
Anything else that needs updating? Oh, right, one little thing. V and I filed the divorce papers Tuesday. Maybe by the time I get home next week the letter with the hearing date will be waiting for me then it will be finished. I’m ready for it to be done, I don’t like the limbo period my life is technically in. Not that it’s stopping me from anything should I so choose, but still it’ll be nice to have it all squared away. I’ve pretty much decided I’m ready to start dating casually again, make myself available for whatever the cosmos has in store for me, and I’m happy to have reached that point.
Oh, and note to self: Self, when you know you have to go to the courthouse, do not, I repeat, do not wear that cute cargo skirt with the heavy metal hardware. It will set off the metal detector and you will have to be wanded. (That’s so totally going in the novel somewhere lol).
Hello there! I hope you have a marvelous time at Martinmas — make sure to tell tales about all you saw and did when you come back. I know I’ve been remiss on getting you the link to the name/device/badge submission forms page. So…go to http://www.trimaris.org/triskele/forms/index.html and you’ll find all you need. Once you’ve filled out what you want, we can get together so I can look at what you’ve got and tell you where we go from here.
The First Friday stepping-out was such fun! We must do it again in December.