Please don’t give me my money back!

Everyday Adventures

This was basically my message to Progressive Tuesday night…

Now, normally I would not refuse a check made out to myself but, well, when that money was intentionally sent as a renewal payment and some bozo decided to refund it rather than apply it to the new policy, this is a problem.

Basically, Progressive changed my account number upon the current renewal so what they thought was an overpayment was refunded. Not so, and luckily a quick call was able to resolve it (otherwise I would have been late with my renewal payment and that’s never a good thing).

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I’m not totally vegging tonight though I had intended to. Instead I finished painting RA7 and am sketching RA8 while watching installment 2 of Starter Wife.

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We are one week exactly from The Cruise! Yes! By this time next week I will hopefully be sippy something with an umbrella in it.

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Mindy is still brainless. I’m hoping for some progress tomorrow, but when someone’s doing you a favor you run the risk of being at their mercy. Looks like Ring of Fire (SF! working title) will be started by hand this weekend if nothing changes. Sigh…

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