News flub of the evening

Everyday Adventures

“anyone comprised with an immune system”

As it was a warning for the young and the elderly to avoid Serrano, etc. peppers as they could still contain some salmonella (tomatoes having been given the all-clear, not that it does me any good) I’m fairly sure that should have been “anyone with a comprOMised immune system” but that’s just a theory πŸ˜‰

Decent day at work, no real tummy troubles (yes!) and an SCA meeting tonight. Got a load of towels and sheets laundered, tested out a new printable for Random Acts… (functionally sound, just needs color and accessories) and tidied up a bit. Also came up with a new layout idea for the RA website. Now just to figure out how to get the ComicPress theme to do what I want it to πŸ™‚ I don’t expect it to be impossible, just challenging. Challenging I can do πŸ™‚

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