Lunch: Chocolate Milkshake

Everyday Adventures

This seemed like such a good idea at the time. Actually I just meant is as a compliment to lunch, but I picked it up on the way to dropping off the table and chairs at 12:30pm and, a bit off-schedule, had not had lunch yet. I fully intended to eat the lunch I brought when I returned to the office, but the shake was so filling that I decided I would forgo the fish, asparagus and wild rice.

Of course, explain this to my plummetting blood sugar as I drove home.

Nothing that an emergency bowl of [granola] cereal couldn’t fix as the Tandoori Chicken roasted in the oven.

The maintenance crew did not return today but it was nonetheless impressive to walk into the Abyss and see a wide, navigable path and RA6 on the second workstation, just waiting to be finished. Which it now is, after some finishing touches in PSE, and ready to go for next Tuesday.

o_O The intarwebs ate the rest of my post… Um… lessee…

So there was more babbling about the comic but I suppose it doesn’t matter anymore [I think I’ll actually put it in the RA… blog next Tuesday] and maybe there was some stuff about what I was going to do Friday night but whatever else was has disappeared into the ether. Maybe the ether-bunny will find it fun and leave me alone for a while…

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