Greetings, Pond Visitors!

Everyday Adventures

Artsies, we’ve got some visitors today from A Duck in Her Pond. The Blond Duck was sweet enough to interview me over on her site today and I want to make sure we give them a nice, warm welcome!

Scraps and the Original GeorgeNew friends, I’m Scraps, the hostess around these parts. Really, though, I’m just a girl who likes to keep lots of projects going so I never get bored and if I ever *do* get stuck, I can switch gears and keep something moving forward. Make yourself comfy and feel free to poke around the site at your leisure. There’s lots of archives to sift through, but if you’re interested in my current project–the 64 Arts–find out more about what the 64 Arts are by clicking here, or check out the highlights of the arts we’ve already covered over at The Arts So Far.

Some of my personal favorites (and, oh, it’s like choosing a favorite monkey–nearly impossible!) are:

What’s Your Anthem

Art Therapy: Broken Ties

Deep Breaths and Shallow Thoughts

And if you’d like to see what else I get up to around the Internet, check out my other sites. Some are a bit in flux right now, as the cookbook project is in serious crunch-time and taking more and more time to get it done and out the door.

  • Nibbles ‘n Bites: a food blog full of opinions on good taste
  • Sips & Shots: cocktails and more
  • What to Feed Your Raiding Party: diary of a cookbook in progress
  • Helper Monkey Designs: my newly-launched illustration service, ready to create fun images for your pet project
  • Random Acts Comics/Cocktail Hour: like a blog but in comic-strip form, my autobiographical webcomic that’s been on hold for a while but has a lot of fun stories
  • Where the Geeks Are: a webcomic about 4 geek girls looking for love in (what they hope are) all the right places

See what I mean about keeping busy?

Of course, just today I realized how much there is left to do on ‘Raiding Party and how quickly the end of the year is approaching (aka faster than I’d care to admit) and if I want to get this thing into print before holiday shopping commences, I’ve got to step up my commitment one more time. Which means I may be a wee bit scarce around here and some of the other blogs this month. Le sigh… but we do what we must, right?

Until then, you can also find me on Facebook and Twitter—I’m always online in one form or another!

6 thoughts on “Greetings, Pond Visitors!

  1. Wow! You really do stay busy. I can’t believe that the holidays are going to be here so quickly. I too have lots of things that I would like to have done by the end of the year, but I am not sure if it is going to happen at this rate. I hope you get your book completed by your deadline.

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