So, what have we learned? Percocet does NOT equal productivity. I had zombie-brain for most of last week resulting in not much of anything getting done. I went into work for a total of 5 hours (well, 4.75) just to take care of payroll, mail and bank deposits and got some work done on the comics but not enough; it was a pencils week, but at least I continued to update. I did manage to get my articles wrapped up (man that was tough… forced march all the way) and my invoice submitted (which is good, since that next set of quarterly taxes is due this month) but I didn’t get any working ahead accomplished.
And the answer a question on the last post, gall stones are formed by the body not filtering things correctly. The stones are usually cholesterol-based (since that’s what the bile stored there is meant to help break down) but some can be protein based. You can also just have sludge in there for a variety of things. While I can’t be sure, it’s a good bet the 300+ stones were bb sized, not marbles, some natural variation occurring. I think my body is finally used to not having the gall bladder there anymore and things seem to be running as they should. My incisions are healing up and I’m still sore, but all is generally good.
Haven’t heard back about the liver biopsy, but I have a follow-up appointment this Friday so she may just be holding them until then. Now just to stave off any potential con crud/pneumonia/bronchitis etc.