Character Cocktail has a Fan Page!


Did you think you needed to, like, be a state or something to inspire a cocktail?

I know I’ve mentioned in passing that I do custom cocktail creation and I’ve had a few tasty nibbles, now it’s time to take this up a step. I’ve created a fan page on facebook for the Character Cocktail–the drink recipe based on your personality that comes with it’s own art–and get this, you can actually order a cocktail of your very own right from the fan page!

I’ve even got a few samples of the last 2 I’ve done posted in the gallery over there and will be profiling the drinks over here in the near future.

But for now, if you would be so kind, head over to the fan page and click the “like” button! My immediate goal is to get 25 fans so that I can get the page a user-friendly username rather than the long string of numbers and symbols it currently takes to get there.

UPDATE: Yay! Took a weekend but we did it! You can now go straight to to place orders on the “Shop Now” page.

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