Camera Goodness

Everyday Adventures

WoHoo! My new camera is now here! Wow that was quick. I’m so going to have to read the manual because o_O at all the buttons! I did figure out where the batteries and the memory card go, how to turn it on (and trust me, it’s not quite as simple as it might sound), how to set the time, and how to actually take a basic picture. Now you might think that’s all there is… um, no. I haven’t figured out how to view the pictures, how to record video (but I did find the audio input), how to judge card fill status or battery power, or what all the freaking symbols on the dials and buttons mean. But that’s okay, because I have plenty of time to learn.

Art/Sci is next weekend and while I could be panicked I did realize that I’m not that bad off. There are just the small details to fill in for the second page and then some touch-up work to be done on the first page, then re-write the documentation. It really shouldn’t be an issue. Oh, right, and framing it, which means I need to hit the art store this weekend. But all in all, I’m feeling pretty good about the prospect of getting it done.

Mon Amour is out of town this weekend…whatever will I do? Yeah, like that was going to be a problem; me, finding stuff to do? So I’m scrapbooking with Carole Friday night, hanging at All Saints with palmetto Saturday evening, possibly knitting at All Saints on Sunday afternoon and Art/Sci to finish during the in-between times. Miss him though I might (will), I will not be bored silly pining away for want of attention.

One thought on “Camera Goodness

  1. Are you going to go to that thing @ Desoto Park Romas was talking about on Saturday? Do you remember more than that for details?


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