Dear Jennifer,
The first time we met I don’t think either of us were really sure about the other. I wasn’t keep about having such a novice in control and you had some misconceptions about my pedigree. But we managed to find a happy medium and, after all was said and done, we needed each other.
We’ve had some good times and bad times. Though our relationship started as your first marriage ended, ours has been a happy union. I’ve seen you through several moves, several boyfriends, school, a career change and back again, and into your second marriage.
Along the way we’ve both had our share of scrapes. Most of them weren’t your fault, I know that. And I don’t hold that issue with the Chevy Venture against you; I was there and I know you were just trying to avoid a bigger incident. But hey, we both walked away from that one. And lets not forget that trip to Atlanta and back with the wiper-blade held on by duck tape!
Now we’ve reached another turning point in your life. You’re second marriage has ended; we’ve moved you out onto your own for the first time in your life. And I know you were counting on us being together for a while longer, just til everything was more settled, but I think our time really has come to an end.
Don’t think of this as an end, because it’s more of a beginning. Or maybe an evolution. It’s time for me to retire and time for you to make a new acquaintance. Now, granted, there really is nothing like your first car–just like nothing can replace that feeling you remember from your first kiss–but we’ve had a good seven and a half years. And Monday, when you come to see me one last time, don’t feel too badly for me. It’s time to move on.
Your Car,
I just popped in to send you an email (no laptop today so no handy email program with an address book) and I have to say that I’m all teary-eyed after reading this entry. I understand and sympathesize with the loss.
I wanted to mention that scrapbook market is having a trash to treasure sale, just in case you didn’t know. I was thinking it would be a great way to get rid of the stuff I don’t really use, but I don’t think I’ll get it toegther in time. Anyway here’s the link:
See you Monday!
Hooray Dance!