I think I may have forgotten to mention here that when Phoebe went back to the dealership it turned out that her ECM (emissions control module) was going bad and needed to be replaced. Hallelujah for the emissions warranty I didn’t even know existed because this repair (to be done on Friday… apparently parts don’t come in any other day) won’t cost me anything. Whew!
Not that I’m suddenly free of financial burden or anything, because one of the things I left out from Tuesday’s dr’s appointment is that he wants me to see a GI (no, unfortunately I don’t get to play with a sailor on leave… drat!) for upper and lower endoscopies. And I already know what the copay for that torture is. And I should be hearing from Shands soon, apparently yesterday’s phone call was verifying some info for my intake form so that wheel is turning as well.
The apartment got a little bit of work done in it last night, not a lot, but I did move the bench-cum-coffee table into place and I really like the way it looks. My yarn fits nicely into it as well, so that’s an added bonus. Now, if I can plow through the monstrous pile of magazines that need to be culled for pertinent ideas and inspiration and move the boxes of data tape cartridges somewhere (probably the studio) I can put the round table on the other side of the loveseat and have an almost real living room!
The bedroom is still a disaster, but I need to do laundry tonight so hopefully that will spur me to do the preliminary tasks in there before I move the bed around. I think the 3-panel memo board is going to move to the living room which will then free that wall space for the sofa table that I want to use as a vanity, also meaning I can move the chair for that out of the living and put the old computer chair as additional seating until I decide on a replacement. I have a straight-backed chair in the storage room that needs refinishing and a new seat, maybe that will happen sooner than expected?
NaNoWriMo is approaching quickly but I’m psyched that I have just about all of the meetups I plan to coordinate arranged for. I need to decide on the mid-month meet-up (which will probably just be at a coffee shop somewhere) and the TGIO for 12/2. That’s the easy part. I had this wonderful brainstorm the other night as I was trying to go to sleep about a little mini-book I could do as part of the goodies this year. The goodies are also going to be a lot more streamlined and participatory, making it easier for me to put together and haul around. Yay for simplifying!
And one last thing. Cheesy as it may sound I actually enjoyed my little online class through the hp Learning Center. It was basic webpages with html but since I did that whole crash course on how to build a webpage in a weekend (that’s the store site, btw) with Dreamweaver I missed a lot of the basics. Most important to me was learning the very useful interpage links which I knew I was going to need for one of the Barony projects only I didn’t know what it was called. Sad, huh? And y’all, the world might be coming to an end soon since I was doing computer tech support for a friend’s computer this past Sunday. Something is very wonky in the world if *I* can do tech support lol Not that it was graceful or a tactical strike but I got it done and now she can use Firefox and iTunes and AIM without Norton’s nasty firewall intruding.
Oh, one last thing (I promise). To all my friends who are sick right now: I would normally offer to come see you, or bring you stuff, but, um, with all I’ve got going on there’s no WAY in hell I’m exposing myself to your germs. I love you dearly but if I’m a magnet for those sorts of things and if I get sick right now it could seriously impact a whole bunch of stuff. So I’ll light a healing candle for you tonight and send you good wishes through the interweb but that’s about alllllll I’m gonna do!