12 Days of Blogmas: Holiday Wishes

Just for Fun

We’ve made it! It’s Christmas Eve and this is the final post of Blogmas 2015.


And here are my 12 wishes this Christmas:

  1. Peace… this time of year can be so hectic and draining, I wish for peace and quiet to reign supreme. And not just for me and my family and friends, but for the country and world, too. I don’t want to get all political, but I will say that I think the answer isn’t restricting one thing or another, but getting to the root of why people are so fearful and angry, the reason why they lash out at friends and strangers, and maybe then the news won’t be so full of what despicable thing one person did to another.
  2. Harmony… we’ll head to Mom’s tonight for the family get together and I’m hoping that everyone is cheerful and gets along. We usually do but, like any family, there are times and topics of contention; I hope those stay away.
  3. A clean house… I suppose this one falls on me. Getting ready for Christmas has left little messes here and there, so between now and New Year’s Day I want to tidy up so we can start fresh for 2016.
  4. Good health… this time last year a lot of people we knew were going through some serious health crises, either themselves or their loved ones. Right now I have a friend recovering from brain surgery and I hope her recovery continues to go well and she can be back to herself for the new year.
  5. Low gas prices… even though that’s not exactly helpful for friends who work for Chevron, etc. Still, running the roads like I do makes me appreciate each penny the sign drops.
  6. A new job in 2016… not that there’s anything wrong with my current job, but after 20 years I’m more than ready for a change. I’ve put in an application with a company closer to home, now I’m just waiting on an interview.
  7. Productivity… I get a lot done, true, but I know I could be doing more, or at least do what I do more efficiently, so I’ll be working on that this coming year.
  8. Creativity… you knew this would be in here, right? I want people to be open to creative opportunities, to not deny themselves their innate creativity, and to express and explore that creativity a little bit every day. I think it makes life better.
  9. Champagne moments… a business friend revels in even small celebrations, calling them Champagne moments; I really like that idea and want more Champagne moments for us all (even if you’re more of the sparkling grape juice type).
  10. More happy mail than bills or junk… I have two penpals these days and I love getting letters from them. It’s such a throw-back to have to wait for a reply to your message and it’s been fun getting to know these women.
  11. Enough… and the sense to recognize it. Sure, I’m like anyone else, there are things I want that I don’t have (and there are the credit card balances to show that my impulse control for many of those wants isn’t what it needs to be), but I really have a lot, more than enough, and I need to remember that going forward. We all do.
  12. Finally, that next year be more ‘fuck yeah’ than ‘fuck this’. I saw this on tumblr and it’s probably the best summation of this whole list and what I want for myself as well as my family and friends.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

The 12 Days of Blogmas is a link-up hosted by The Coastie Couple and The Petite Mrs. Check out either of their blogs to see what everyone else has to say on today’s topic!

The 12 Days of Blogmas is a link-up hosted by The Coastie Couple and The Petite Mrs. Check out either of their blogs to see what everyone else has to say on today’s topic!

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