12 Days of Blogmas: 10 Facts About Me

Just for Fun

1. This may be my least favorite prompt for Blogmas! (I always feel at a loss for these sorts of posts, but I’m gonna power through anyway in the true spirit of completion.)


2. I am a craft supply hoarder. This has come in handy with my late in the day plan to make the Christmas gifts for my family as I’ve had to buy absolutely nothing thanks to my well-stocked dragon hoard. For once, DIY is cheaper than buying. Hopefully my family likes their gifts.

3. I prefer Star Trek to Star Wars, but I’m still curious about The Force Awakens. Generally speaking I don’t go near a first-run movie for the first two weeks. This one might need a month’s grace period before the crowds die down enough for me to be comfortable in the movie theater.

4. I’m currently binge-watching RHOA. I stopped watching ages ago so I have plenty of seasons to catch up on and Hulu just added it. I’ve noticed, though, that watching these over the top women affects how I reflect to ridiculousness going on with friends, my language becomes a little bit more salty.

5. I turn 40 next year and I’m actually not stressing about it. I’m even looking forward to it since I make it known that I wanted a party that I didn’t have to plan and our friend L has picked up the ball and run with it.

6. I have puppy fever like whoa! Todd and have I talked about getting a dog once we’ve had a chance to settle in and we’re actually looking at February or March, depending on when the right dog appears. Todd’s a fan of Basset Hounds and I like pretty much all short-legged dogs, so that works for me. We’ve been checking a couple of rescues in Georgia and Florida for likely candidates for adoption.

7. The variety of Christmas cookies in our house is currently 6, with at least two more to come tomorrow. That and DIY is how I’ve been spending my days off this week.

8. I’m really looking forward to 2016 in general. I’m hoping for some good things to happen and some changes in certain sectors of my life.

So I am now drawing a blank and Todd just came in to tell me goodnight so I asked him for two more facts about me, whatever came into his head, because I have stared at this post long enough!

9. I was in the gifted program in school, from first grade on through high school. It’s probably one of the things I put in the thankful column when I grumble about moving away from all our family after Kindergarten.

10. I bought the first house I looked at. This is true, the Dollhouse was the first house we saw when we were house hunting–we weren’t even house hunting yet, we were barely browsing and it was a whim, a chance, that we decided to try for this house and it paid off.

Phew! Made it through, and tomorrow we can go back to holiday stuff!

The 12 Days of Blogmas is a link-up hosted by The Coastie Couple and The Petite Mrs. Check out either of their blogs to see what everyone else has to say on today’s topic!

The 12 Days of Blogmas is a link-up hosted by The Coastie Couple and The Petite Mrs. Check out either of their blogs to see what everyone else has to say on today’s topic!

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