So today was two. two. two-days-in-one! for me since I don’t work tomorrow today was essentially my Friday, but with the usual Thursday stuff included. After work I had a couple of discounts that were about to expire so I figured I’d hit the stores for a little start-the-long-weekend-off-right shopping.
Um, did anyone else notice how hard it rained at 4 today? I swear I did, but somehow that didn’t equate in my brain to the fact that Lafayette would be nearly flooded! Needless to say, not only is the top of my car clean, the inside of the wheel wells have been all-but pressure washed!
So I get to Borders (discount #1) and I have a decision to make: to umbrella or not to umbrella, that is the question. It was still raining but in a non-torrential way and I was parked at the end of the sidewalk so I decided to go without. It was fun. I laughed at the silliness, giddy with the 4 days of freedom ahead, and cleaned my glasses off as I entered the bookstore (sometimes windshield wipers on glasses would /not/ go amiss). Blind though I might have temporarily been, my ears worked fine and the sound they heard was a biddy’s affronted ‘Well’ at my dampened state as we passed. Oh get a grip, lady, it’s only a little water (and I’m much less likely to drip than an umbrella), this isn’t Escape from LA and it’s not acid rain. (Or was is NY that had the acid rain? anyway…) Let your inner child out of the attic would you?
In a stroke of true luck (seriously, the last several times I’ve gone in there–or any place else–it’s been out of stock) Charmed, Season 4, was right where it was supposed to be and it promptly accompanied me to the checkout counter. Now, I thought the discount I printed out was for 25% off but when I checked the receipt at the door it was only 20%. Wouldn’t you know it? I pulled the wrong one out of my notebook! I think I might have actually given them an expired rewards discount! But it scanned so who knows. I still have a 25% off to use before the end of the weekend, so if I’m out that way I might pick up an actual book (gasp!).
Next stop was the shoe store (discount #2) where I really intended to buy some everyday wear sort of low kitten heels or even flats (since I seem to be able to tolerate them a bit more now). But I really didn’t like the ones they had. I tried to talk myself out of them, really I did, but they just kept calling to me… So now I have yet another pair of truly cheesecake peep-toe pumps for the fall. When I described them to palmie over the phone she declared them the quintessential [Scraps] cheesecake shoe and I happen to agree!
I had thought I would then stop by Michaels for some more canvas-boards (I’m feeling painterly this weekend) then I noticed the Fashion Bug had finally opened. I love their clearance racks. 40% off the already discounted price? Why thank you. Then I decided to go ahead and apply for the store card (free tote bag) and got approved (lipstick case and add’l 10% off the entire purchase). So while I left the store with a stuffed bag (including some great straight-legged slacks that will go perfectly with the new pumps) and an invitation to participate in their store fashion show in two weeks, I didn’t actually spend any money there. (Yet… it’s semantics, okay?)
Then Michaels had some of their Halloween stuff out already Dude. Orange chinese lanterns for a buck a piece? Oh yes! And pumpkin shaped doilies? Those, too. And a few odds and ends decorations to stock up for what will be the best BYOP in the history of my throwing them (and this’ll be #5 and I throw pretty cool pumpkin parties so that’s saying something…). And I got the canvas-boards.
But now I’m faced with another dilemma. I have the next four days off, entirely to do my own bidding. This is bizarre. I don’t generally take time off to just do nothing, though I had thought that a slacker weekend would be cool. Except I’m me, y’all, I can’t just do nothing! The dilemma is whether to leave the alarm on for tomorrow morning. Granted, I’m not a morning person in general, but how great would it be to get up at 6am on my day off and get caught up on the comic or write the next article or finish reorganizing the Abyss (which is very un-Abyss-like now)? I mean, really? And then do it again on Saturday and Sunday and even have Monday still to do it again? It’d be like the time in ’03 when I took most of Spring Break off to learn Dreamweaver and build Rock*Paper*Scissors and all it’s inventory in a week. It was a creative oasis in the middle of my work-a-day world. It was glorious!
And apparently I’m crazy. But that doesn’t mean I won’t do it!